poor children

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My Son Is Allergic to Everything....

oh, the poor little guy...my my son is 18 months and every time he cuts teeth it is ... The good news is that many children will outgrow some of these early ...

Lunch Box Improvement Project

Read all 9 responses: "My poor kids have been eating the same crummy lunch ... PLEASE give your children some variety! My daughter mostly does hotlunch at ...

A Fun topic...share YOUR Story!

It reminded me about how much my children have scared me to death in the middle ... when I have woken up to the thought that my poor children were POSESSED! ...

My Son Has a Bad Rash

What can I do for this? I hate to see the poor child cringe everytime I change his butt. ... When our children are in pain, so are we! ...

HELP! My 2 Year Old Can't Stop Coughing at Night!

The poor guy literally coughs about every 4-5 seconds; his. ... urgent care and the nurse told me there is nothing in Benadryl that really helps children. ...

Any Experience with a G-tube or Feeding Tube?

Hello my name is R. I have been working with children for over 4years now besides my own who is 6. I worked with a ..... baby solid feeding · poor children ...

Lennar Home with Poor Ventilation

Lennar Home with Poor Ventilation. We have a two-story Lennar home that was ... Because we have small children we cannot leave the doors open all of the ...

How Old Should Children Be Before They Shower Solo??

hopefully this newfound step towards independence will give their poor mommy. ... I think it all depends on your children. My oldest didnt started until she ...

Moms of Children W/ FPIES: Food Protein Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome

By the age of one, while most parents do still offer their children bottles ... I don't know anything about your poor babe's condition, but I agree with the ...

Children's Dentist in Flower Mound

Read all 17 responses: "After arriving 8 minutes late to my children's dentist ... This is very poor customer service esp. with a long-time client/customer. ...
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Answer Highlights

  • vicks vapor rub in 2 answers "Vicks vapor rub, humidifier, and prop him up to sleep"
  • dental care 4 kids in 6 answers "I vote with Dental Care 4 Kids... Dr."
  • closest to human milk in 2 answers "Raw goat's milk is supposed to be the closest to human milk."
  • opened my eyes in the middle in 2 answers "... across the room to get him before he fell out. I opened my eyes in the middle ..."
  • hydrogen peroxide in 2 answers "I clean the skin around the tube with half strength hydrogen peroxide and then rinse ..."