pneumonia symptoms

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Results 71-80 from 1,274 articles

13 Month Old Cant Keep Anything Down

F.S. asks from Indianapolis

Hi I took my 13 month old daughter to the er which was advised by her family doctor her symptoms were deep cough vomiting poor appitie and runny nose, she has been si...


Swine Flu

S.D. asks from Richmond

My daughter came from school with a 103 temperature. She was very lethargic. I took her to the Pediatrician, who immediately did a swab for flu. The result was neg...


3 Mo with Cold

J.G. asks from Chicago

Hi 3 mo has what seems like a minor cold. she has some sneezing/coughing, stuffy and slightly watery nose. my question is....does anyone have any home re...


Zithromax (Antibiotic) Experience- Lethargy

M.M. asks from Los Angeles

HI moms. My son has been on Zithromax for the past 3 days due to pneumonia. Before he got on the antibiotics, he was coughing, lethargic, feverish at night, and ev...


6 Year Old with Sinisutis and Body Aches

G.D. asks from Houston

My son just turned 6 and since 4 he has had repeated respiratory infections, persistent wet cough and nasal congestion. Last February he had 11 days of fever, awful ...


Possible Antibiotic Rash in 14 Month Old

S.L. asks from Los Angeles

My 14 month old was given amoxicilin for early stages of Pneumonia. He was prescribed it two days ago and has taken it two whole days. I noticed tonight that he has...


To Sleep or Not to Sleep?!

M.P. asks from Green Bay

So, DS (31 mo) has been sick all weekend - all month practically! He just can't catch a break. This last stretch - we went to the dr today and he has a bilateral ear ...


Vicodin for COUGH??

R.D. asks from Richmond

So I went to the doctor yesterday, I'm so awesome, I have bronchitis AND pneumonia. Only me ;) ANYWAY, the doctor loaded me up with RXs for an antibiotic (yay! I'v...


Has Anyone Ever Tried Sinpuret?

A.B. asks from Washington DC

Daughter is being treated for pneumonia. Currently on antibiotic and steriod. Nighttime is the worst. She has that chronic, barking cough that is interfering with ...


Respiratory Problems~

M.K. asks from Indianapolis

Hello~ My 10 month old son has had numerous resp. issues. He has had Pneumonia, Broniolitis, on resp treatments and upper resp infection x 4 with ear infections x3 ...

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  • vicks vapor rub in 2 answers "A., I just received an email about Vick's Vapor Rub being rubbed on the bottom ..."
  • follow your gut in 2 answers "I agree with what most everyone else is saying, which is to follow your gut and get ..."
  • cough suppressant in 3 answers "Codeine in Vicodin is a cough suppressant."
  • little red bumps in 2 answers "Hi S., My son had something similar, he had little red bumps all over his back ..."
  • had an allergic reaction in 2 answers "My daughter had an allergic reaction to her pnemonia wich produces regular hives and ..."