plan for wedding

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Results 51-60 from 3,252 articles

Wedding Shower?

D.Y. asks from Detroit

Hi moms! I just got engaged (YAY!) and am already having to field questions left and right, some of which I obviously don't have an answer for yet! I do want your h...


Wedding Advice

M.L. asks from Indianapolis

My fiance and I want to go away for our wedding with just a few close friends and family next fall but there are some people who are against this and are telling us t...


Wedding Gift ???

K.L. asks from Miami

We are attending a wedding this coming weekend. It is an older couple that is getting married. In lieu of gifts they have asked that a donation be made in the brides...


Wedding Fun

M.E. asks from Norfolk

I'm doing a wedding project and need some help. I have a book full of inspirational thoughts on life and love and need thoughts from people on the sayings based on re...


Daughter's Wedding

S.N. asks from Boston

As I suspected my daughter invited my nephew and his wife and my sister to her wedding. I am clearly upset over it but I tried very hard to take it with a grain of ...


What Diet/eating Plan Worked Best for You?

M.S. asks from Chicago

Ok, so I thought by now I would have shed those extra 10/15 pounds from my pregnancy. It's a year later, and they refuse to budge :( So ladies, what I would love to...


How to Plan Our Belated Honeymoon?

M.T. asks from Kansas City

My husband and I had our son, sold a house, bought and moved to a new house, and got married within three months. Needless to say, this left us little time and money...


Wedding Venues in Knoxville, TN?

M.M. asks from Knoxville

Does anybody know any good (and cheap) venues for a small (less than 50persons) wedding in or around knoxville, TN?? I am trying to plan a wedding from half way acros...


Wedding Anouncments but Not Invititation?

V.M. asks from Lynchburg

My fiancee and I are having a small private wedding and my mother is telling me that my whole family 12 hour drive away is getting there feelings hurt that there not ...


Ry It Seemed lDo You Have to Have a Wedding...

J.K. asks from Omaha

to have a wedding registry? My fiance and I are planning to get married in the future but don't want to have a wedding. I'm not sure what we'll be doing - court h...

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