phoenix arizona schools

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C.L. asks from Phoenix

Hello Mommys and daddys I hope you can give me some help or advise. My son just turned 2 and he is still not speaking. He babbles but not to much makes sense. My h...


Need Help

A.R. asks from Phoenix

I am a working mom whom is extremely unhappy at my job. I am looking to change employment and wondered if anyone had any ideas. I am very employable. I have a bachelo...


Seeking Advice on Daughter's Best Friend's Situation.

E.A. asks from Albuquerque

I have 2 kids - a daughter that is 17 and a Junior in High School and a son who is 9 (almost 10) in 4th grade. Not too long ago my daughter's best friend came to liv...


Daughter Being Bullied at School

B.C. asks from Phoenix

My thirteen year old daughter is being bullied by a girl at her school. This girl has made my daughter's life miserable. Last week everything came to a head with this...


2Nd Grader with Possible ADD

J.M. asks from Phoenix

My seven year old started showing symptoms of ADD last year. Everything that we tried at home and school did not work. We took her to our doctor last year and they pu...


My 6 Year Old Son Doesn't Want to Go to School

A.B. asks from Phoenix

I never thought I would have as big as a problem as I have now with any of my kids not wanting to go to school. My son is in Kinder this year and he was fine since s...

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