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Results 71-80 from 96 articles

Help with a Runaway Toddler

C.B. asks from Norfolk

I am the proud grandmother of two beautiful granddaughters ages three and three-months. I am the primary childcare provider for my three-year old granddaughter, whos...


Am I Out of Line Here?

K.L. asks from Washington DC

This is an etiquette question. My husband and I often take our two little ones out in their strollers for long walks. Usually we walk side by side taking up the ent...


Should a Kindergartener Be Allowed to Walk Home from School W/out Adult

K.H. asks from Dallas

my answer is no. but i found out that my step son, who just turned 6, walked home every day this week with his 7 or 8 year old neighbor and no adult. apparently, his ...


Europe with a 3 Yr Old

A.S. asks from Dallas

I'm planning a week long trip with another mom in which we'd bring our 3 yr old daughters. I'm deciding in between Paris and Florence. If any of you have experience w...


How Old Do You Think a Child Has to Be to Walk to School Alone?

K.M. asks from Denver

So there has been a missing girl in Colorado that has been weighing heavy on my mind. She is a 10 year old girl. In the mornings she walks three blocks to meet up w...


Shopping for a Good Double Stroller

A.M. asks from New York

Hello! I have a 26 month old and am 35 weeks pregnant, eagerly awaiting the birth of my 2nd son. I've been shopping around for a double stroller and haven't found o...


What Would You Do If You Were Caught Driving in a Blizzard?

S.R. asks from Kansas City

So my 16 year old daughter seems to think she is right in this question. I wanted to get all of your opinions. She asked me the other day what I would do if i were ...


Carpool Woes-- Need Advice on How to Handle!- New to Mamapedia.

S.F. asks from Colorado Springs

We moved in to a new neighborhood this summer, and have just begun to develop a relationship with the family across the street. They have several children, the oldes...


Having Kids Help with Dinner

J.G. asks from Chicago

My kids are going to start helping more with dinner. They will get to pick a meal a week, and then help me make it, etc. I'm fearful they will ask for the exact sam...


4Th Grader Walking Home

C.G. asks from Dallas

Hi.. We lived about 4 blocks from the school but we have always picked up my daughter. However for the 2014-2015 school year she will be in the 4th grade and my husba...

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