over weight teenager

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Does Anyone Know of Foods/supplements to Help GAIN Weight and Height?

S.N. asks from Minneapolis

My first grade son is in the 3rd percentile for his height and weight. I know that it bothers him a little that his friends are all much bigger than him. But it bot...


Teenage Daughter's Weight

S.T. asks from Dallas

Hello ~ I have a 13 year old daughter that weighs 180 lbs. She is 5'9" tall. She has always been in the 95th percentile) since she was born) on the chart but I am...


Teenager and Responsibilities....

S.D. asks from Phoenix

I guess many misunderstood my question... but thank you for your input. You all have good incite and lots to think about now..... thank you.


Please Offer Tips on How to Motivate an Obese Person to Workout/lose Weight.

M.4. asks from Tampa

I am young and healthy, but very overweight (aprox 150lbs). I have everything to live for and have an otherwise fulfilling life, I just had my fourth child in July a...


Help Please!! Jenny Craig Vs. Weight Watchers Vs. South Beach Diet??

Y.D. asks from Santa Barbara

Hello to you all!! I gave birth to my lovely little angel 4 months ago on September 1st, she weighed in at 9lbs 4oz 22in long. Throughout the pregnancy I gained 60 po...


Need to Lose Weight!

L.L. asks from Orlando

Hello :-) I have about 15lbs I need to lose. We eat out about 3-4 times per week. I know that's why I can't lose it! I start exercising regularly.... and I gain a...


My 11 Month Old Daughter It in the 5Th Percentile for Weight I Need Help!

L.M. asks from Albany

My daughter is turning 11 months on the 5th of this month. She is 15.14 and 26 inches she is petite but healthy. I cant seam to get away from the doctors she ither ha...


Teenager Interested in Doing Commercials & More

R.C. asks from Miami

My son who is 14 y/o is interested in doing commercials and/or acting. Does anyone know how I can maybe start to investigate how I can get him started. I really canno...


Son Needs to Gain More Weight but He Is a Picky Eater. HELP!

E.F. asks from Chattanooga

My 10 year old and 6 year old got weighed for an ID card made by our local police department. My 6 year old who likes to eat and isn't picky weighed more. My son is p...


How to Help a Teenager Politely End an Opposite-sex Friendship Gone Sour

D.A. asks from Houston

My daughter, a high school senior, has known a boy for two years who has become a pest. It was never a boyfriend/girlfriend thing, but she did like him at first as a ...

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