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Results 51-60 from 3,911 articles

"Celebrating" Halloween

A.P. asks from Orlando

Did you grow up not "celebrating" Halloween? Did you not trick or treat or wear costumes? When it comes to your kids, do you allow them to wear costumes or trick or t...


Has Anyone Done ISR Lessons?

K.J. asks from Dallas

Hi Mom's! my 8 month old daughter starts ISR lessons Monday. I am excited but I'm also nervous. I was able to go and observe a class but all the babies I observed wer...


14 Month Old - Not Talking, Throwing Tantrums

N.S. asks from Albany

I have a 14 month old son, who is not yet talking. He starting to point to things, and really observe, and can get his point across without talking (he does say mama...


Probably a Long Shot, but Does Anyone Know About This???

K.B. asks from Grand Rapids

My son started preschool this year and he's had trouble with sitting still and paying attention, enough so that the teacher called in the school social worker to obse...


7 Yr. Old. Not Making Friends W/classmates

M.L. asks from St. Louis

Hi! I have an out-going (we call him the Wal-mart greeter!), loving, inventive, artistic little boy. He has always been very articulate (he is Italian, we talk a ...


Seeking Malpractice Advice Regarding My 10 Month Old Son

J.C. asks from Chicago

I need some serious help and advice. I will try to make this short. A few weeks ago, my 10 month old came down with Croup. It was a Wednesday that he really starte...


Recommend Umbrella Stroller to Keep in Trunk

I.S. asks from Chicago

hello ladies, my daughter is 9 mos old and is on the smaller side of average at about 17 pounds and 26 inches. she still fits in her infant car seat and probably ...


Redshirting, "Holding Back" 4 Year Old Daughter for Kindergarten

D.R. asks from Chicago

My daughter has a July 31st birthday. She is currently in 4's preschool. She will just turned 5 for the Sept. 1st cut-off. She is above average academically per he...


6 Year Old Girl Observes Daddy in Shower

C. asks from Dallas

This incident happened this morning. My husband got in the shower before the rest of us were awake. My six year old daughter came to our bedroom, and I heard her go...


Hitting Cousins

E.K. asks from Milwaukee

Everytime my husbands brothers children get together with my children they hit and kick my children. When I see it happen I of course step in and remove my child from...

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