nine month old baby

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Similac Advance on 7-Month Old Baby

A.M. asks from Los Angeles

Is it okay for a 7-month old baby to still use Similac Advance (Step1)? or should she start using Similac Go & Grow (Step 2) already? Is it safe for her to still use ...


10 Month Old Not Crawling

D.G. asks from San Diego

I have a 10 month old baby girl. She is not crawling but she rolls all over the place. She is also not pulling herself up yet but she will stand and hold on to some...


Planning for Introducing 6-8 Month Old Baby to Water Activities

S.M. asks from San Francisco

My baby boy is 6 months old and I'm thinking about planning for introducing him to water activities in the next couple of months. How old should he be before signin...


6 Month Old Allergic to Baby Oatmeal?

S.F. asks from Los Angeles

We started feeding our baby solids (rice cereal) at 6 months..that was a couple weeks ago. I had been exclusively breast feeding until then. Dr wanted him to also tak...


9 Month Old Doesnt Want Baby Food

M.D. asks from Phoenix

My Baby boy is 9 months and 1 week old he has his two bottom teeth and wants to eat EVERYTHING my husband and I are eatling. He has always been a pretty good eater bu...


What Is Your 9 Month Old Eating?

M.M. asks from Chicago

Looking for 'first finger food' ideas for my almost 9 month old. For the life of me, I can't remember what I fed our 3 year old back then! Also - at what age did...


Flying with 8 Month Old

T.K. asks from Chicago

My husband and I will be going to Florida at the end of the month with our 8 month old son. We are flying Southwest and have not booked a seat for our son. Any tips...


6 Month Old Baby Not Sitting up Unsupported Yet, or Crawling Is This Normal?

R.M. asks from Jacksonville

Hi moms with my oldest child she did everything ahead of scheduel, she got teeth at 3 months, she crawled at 4 months and walked at 9 months so im a little worried wi...


My Baby

J.H. asks from Cincinnati

it seems like every night for the evening till around nine my 2 month old cries he wants to be held he'll get really worked up and upset if you don't what can i do to...


Traveling with 3 Month Old

J.S. asks from San Francisco

Hi, In a few days my 3 month old and I will be traveling to Puerto Rico to visit family. He is a fussy baby and he now likes to sleep and nap while nursing on our ...

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