newborn growth spurt

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Results 71-80 from 930 articles

How Much Should a 2 Month Old Eat?

L.F. asks from Louisville

Is it too soon for my 2 month old to be eating 5oz of formula? Lately she wakes up an hour early from her naps. I thought maybe this was a growth spurt she was going ...


Need Reassurance from Other Co-sleeping Moms That This Is Normal

J.R. asks from San Diego

I have a 4 month old little girl and we have been co-sleeping since birth. We all love it and it works for us as far as making night waking easier and the bonding ti...


Feeding Cereal to a 3 1/2 Month Old

S.A. asks from Atlanta

As in my other question, I stated that my babies eating habits have changed very much. My baby is 3 1/2 months old and will be 4 months on the 30th. The formula I fee...


Follow-up to Previous Question Regarding My Son's Sleeping Problem

R.A. asks from Chicago

Hi Again, I recently posted a question of whether my son was going through a growth spurt because he was getting up in the middle of the night all of a sudden. So, a...


What Causes This?

M.X. asks from Las Vegas

I have a 14 week old baby girl. For the past few days she has been spitting up often but she has also been acting frequently hungry (she's mostly formula fed). She...


How Did You Make a "Sleeping Alone" Transition?

J.F. asks from Chicago

My daughter is 3 months old. She had been sleeping really well. Anywhere from 9 or 10 until 4 or 5. I don't know what happened, but she started sleeping like a newbor...


16 Month Old Not Sleeping Through the Night Following Birth of Sister

J.A. asks from Houston

My son is 16 months old. He has been sleeping through the night for several months. A couple of nights before his sister was born he started waking in the middle of...


Breaking Habit of Nurse to Sleep

J.V. asks from Chicago

OK, I have no clue how you are suppose to establish good sleep habits in a newborn when you also have an almost 2 year old running around. I've been trying, I did som...


Help: 9 Month Old No Longer Sleeping Through the Night

S.O. asks from Salt Lake City

I need my sleep!! After months of being sleep deprived I was spoiled by the opportunity to sleep all night. My son was doing so well for a few months mainly sleeping ...


REVISED INQUIRY: My Four-Month Old Wakes Every Hour or Two During the Night

F.B. asks from Portland

REVISION: Again, thanks for everyone for your insightful responses to my inquiry below. What I've learned in the past few days through all of your responses is that ...

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