newborn growth spurt

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Teething or Something More Serious?

K.W. asks from Wichita

My almost 9 month old is sleeping almost all day.. he will be awake for maybe an hour at most.. and then get really fussy and clingy, so i put him back down and he wi...


Breast Feedi

M.V. asks from San Francisco

Could i give my newborn breast milk and formula??


4 Week Old Is Feeding NON STOP!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!

S.W. asks from Minneapolis

My 4 week old daughter has started feeding round the clock! She'll eat one side, then stop. I'll change her and offer the other side, then she'll eat again, then st...


6 Week Old with Large Shift in Sleep Schedule

R.R. asks from Chicago

I have a son who is six weeks old today and has been breastfed exclusively so far. For the first 5 1/2 weeks, he was sleeping pretty well at night in a crib, going t...


6 Wk Old Normal to Eat 7 Oz in 1 Feeding?

B.B. asks from St. Louis

I have a little 6 wk old girl who is always hungry. she, I am sure gets enough breast milk she will usually eat 2 -4 oz every 2 to 3 hours but today she ate 7 oz and ...


My 8.5 Week Old Baby Has Gone from Waking Twice in a Night to 5 or 6 Times ?

S.S. asks from San Francisco

My LO has for the past few weeks been quite good at night, usually sleeping a 5 hour stretch and only waking twice for feeds. however these last 3 nights he has been ...


Does a Bfed Baby Ever Sleep Through the Night?

K.C. asks from Dover

My bf 3 month old is waking up more and more to eat. I know that this is probably a growth spurt and it will most likely pass in a day or so. However, I was wonderi...


Baby Rejecting Bottle

D.F. asks from Allentown

I have given my breast fed 3 month old 1 bottle a day since she was born. It has worked out well to allow other people to help out with her care. She would take as ma...


When to Start Rice Cereal?

B.H. asks from Minneapolis

Ok things have really changed in last few years. It seems like people are either for early start on rice cereal or extrememly against it. With my first daughter I...


Night-time Feedings

T.A. asks from Kansas City

Ok, here is my question. You guys have really been great with the suggestion so once again I need more advice. My 5 month old has reverted back to being a newborn a...

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