new used cars

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Anybody Used Priceline

J.H. asks from Dallas

Has anyone rented hotel rooms using the website Priceline? Since you have to prepay with a credit card I am skeptical of how it really works. I would love to hear f...


Have You Had a Friend Who Used You and Your Generosity?

G.M. asks from Phoenix

I met another mom from this website and at first we hit it off and became good friends. As time went on, it kept being that me and my family did a lot for her and her...


New Bed, New Room - JFF (Kinda)

M.P. asks from Green Bay

So, I have asked the "transition to a bed" question before, but am putting a twist on this time. DS is 31 months (2.5+) and he is still in a crib. We have NEVER had...


New Vacuum Suggestions

M.A. asks from Missoula

I'm looking for any suggestions on a new vacuum. I would like one that can be used inside and to clean out the cars. Attachments would be nice for stairs, couch cushi...


New Baby, New Marriage, and Trouble Adjusting

K.D. asks from Denver

After dating for several years, my husband and I married and then happily, immediately I became pregnant. Almost one year ago, I gave birth to our beautiful baby girl...


Buying a New Car

L.M. asks from New York

Hi Ladies, The time has come and we need to purchase a new minivan. Yes, NEW not used. Just looked at the Toyota Sienna and we're very interested. However, it app...


2 Year Old Used to Love Bath Time, He Now Screams and Cries

F.A. asks from San Francisco

Hello, I have two boys. One is 5 and half years old and has always loved bath time. Has never complained and never said no. Even though he doesn't like getting his f...


Wash Brand New Clothes?

R.M. asks from San Francisco

Trivial question, but I'm taking a quick poll to decide: Do I, or do I not, wash this brand new six pack of undies before I wear them? I've heard there are chem...


Looking for a New Car... Any Suggestions?

I.G. asks from Seattle

We will be in the market for a new (or certified used) car at the end of this summer. My Husband really wants a Ford Mustang (of course) but I would prefer something ...


Looking for Advice Re: New Car

L.R. asks from Los Angeles

My husband and I need a new car (for me to drive) and aren't sure what to get. I don't like driving big cars so we're considering the Honda Fit, Nissan Sentra and Ho...

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