my friends mom story

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When You Don't like Your Friends Kids....

L.T. asks from Houston

Hi! I'm curious how others deal with this. I have a couple of friends who are good friends of mine but generally I cannot stand to be around their children! Becaus...


I'm a Nerd. I Need Smart Friends.

L.V. asks from Dallas

Okay, I just want to add a disclaimer here at the front of this post. I am not trying to be condescending or rude or trying to exclude anybody, but I'm missing out o...


Nasty Mother of Friends at It Again! Now What?

S.J. asks from Des Moines

For the history of this woman, see my last question. Well...the latest issue occurred over the weekend. I am have a horrible cold...maybe mild flu...headache, cough...


Question About Twins and Friends

J.R. asks from Boston

So this is a bit of a long story, but here it goes. So my daughter (10 years old) is friends with a girl she knew in school last year - they were friends then but ar...


Advice on Friends with Bratty Kids

M.A. asks from Oklahoma City

My husband and I have been good friends with another couple for a fews years now and we still really enjoy hanging out with them. But their kids are another story! Th...


I Don't like My 1St Graders Friends

K.T. asks from Dallas

Hello all, I have a daughter who is going into the 1st grade. Last year she made friends with a girl who I don't really feel comfortable with her being friends wi...


Friends' House Drop Offs?

K.H. asks from Dover

I will state from the start, that I am a paranoid and over protective mother. I have a daughter that is 5, and being in kindergarten..all the birthday parties have st...


Lost Touch with Our Friends

D.B. asks from Atlanta

Since having a baby and moving around the country (Military PCS) we have lost touch with our friends and our family is 3,000 plus miles away. Over the past couple of ...


How Do You Moms Make Friends???

K.L. asks from Des Moines

I moved about 6 years ago, 3 hours away and to a much smaller town. I love living here, but I don't have any friends here. I am so embarassed saying that! I have 2 re...


SAHM Needs Friends

D.J. asks from Dallas

I have been living in Plano for a year and cannot seem to find any other mom friends. I am 24, my son is 19 mths and daughter is 1 mth. I feel like I am dating or som...

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