My Doc

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Results 31-40 from 29,987 articles

Anyone Else Have a Kid Needing Doc-band Treatment?

C.H. asks from Dallas

My son is six months old. At his four-month checkup, our pediatrician prescribed a doc-band treatment due to the flatness of my son's H.. I've gone through Cranial ...


Hand, Foot and Mouth -- but Doc Said She Is NOT CONTAGIOUS? HELP?

A.F. asks from Chicago

My daughter was diagnosed with Hand Foot and Mouth Disease this afternoon at her pediatrician after her daycare (she is 2) called me this morning saying she had 3 bli...


Seeking New Ob/fertility Doc for Low Progesterone Issues

H.E. asks from Chicago

I've had 2 miscarriages this year and assume will continue to do so with low progesterone. I've had every blood test done under the sun and everything came back okay...


Doc Says to Start Rice Cereal at 4 Mo

L.G. asks from Philadelphia

Hi moms, At my son's 4 month check up appt this morning, the doctor recommended starting rice cereal. I'm just a bit weary of this and here is why.... Brayden was bo...


Need to Find Ob/Gyn Doc

E.M. asks from Lexington

I just found out I am pregnant with my first child and I don't currently have an Ob/Gyn Doc. I was thinking about going to Saint Joseph East and I am wondering if an...


Recommendation for Doc to Remove Tonsils

K.M. asks from Dallas

It has been recommended that my son have his tonsils removed. They are so big they are touching one another (due to having strep throat right now). Can you recommen...


My Doc. Advised Me to Do an MRI for My Baby

V.M. asks from Louisville

hello, my baby is 16 month old...he is little hypotonic...his neck muscles are weak...he didn't meet his motor milestones.but his all other activities are very ...


Doc or Chiropractor That You LOVE???

A.T. asks from Chicago

Hey ladies, just a quick question...My problem is, which is probably an issue for a lot of people out there is, I am trying to find a Doc or chiropractor that can rea...


Family Doc in North Texas?

H.G. asks from Dallas

Hi ladies, I just recently got insurance (yippee) and its united healthcare. I have had stomach issues all my life (severe stomach cramps, diarrhea, constipation) ya ...


Neuro or Gastro Doc for Celiac

L.M. asks from Chicago

Anyone in the Palatine/Arl Hts area have a recommendation for a good Gastro or Neuro specialist for Celiac disease and other gluten caused issues?? My husband needs t...

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Answer Highlights

  • american academy of pediatrics in 3 answers "... from both the World Health Organization and The American Academy of Pediatrics ..."
  • your gut instinct in 3 answers "I think it's best to follow your gut instinct on this."
  • follow your instincts in 4 answers "I can only go by my experience, but what I've found is to follow your instincts."
  • trust your instincts in 4 answers "As long as he is growing, thriving and happy trust your instincts."
  • go with your gut in 5 answers "... not sure why, but your concern caught my attention. I say go with your gut."