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Results 21-30 from 253 articles

Pregnant Women Carrying Infants- Is It Safe?

A.S. asks from Austin

Hi All, I may seem to be supersticious here.. But does anybody know if its ok for a pregnant lady to carry small infants?? I have a daughter who is 3.5 months old....


Nipple Sheilds

L.L. asks from Seattle

My daughter is one week old, and has had severe latching problems. As a last ditch effort, we tried a nipple sheild and it is working well for her. She is gaining w...


Should I Start Feeding My 4 Month Old Cereal Just Because She Is 4 Months?

B.J. asks from Washington DC

my daughter just turned 4 months and some women from work and some women on my husbands side are telling me i need to start my baby on cereal. i really dont want to...


Shower Gift for 1St Time Mom

A.H. asks from Spartanburg

My friend just had her baby early at (33 week) and he is fine. However her shower is coming up and I wanted to see what everyone thought was the must have shower gif...


A Gift Basket for a New C-section Mom

H.C. asks from Omaha

I am looking for suggestions of things to put in a basket for a friend of mine. She just had a baby last night by c-section and I am looking for ideas for things to ...


If You Had to Do It All over Again, What Would You NOT Buy?

M.O. asks from Sacramento

Hi mamas! I have two munchkins that broke the bank - I bought everything "they" said I needed and then some. With the economy the way that it is, is there anything ...


Thoughts About Bachelor Party

M.P. asks from Los Angeles

Hello everyone- My 39year old husband is insisting on going to a friend of a friend's (although he was at our wedding) bachelor party in Vegas. Normally I wouldn't...


We're Taking Our 10 Month Old to Jamaica Next Week...

A.B. asks from Chicago

and I'm a little nervous. Does anyone have any tips or advice for me to calm my nerves? We are going for a friend's wedding, staying at the ClubHotel Riu Negil in N...


Am I the Only One?

C.W. asks from San Antonio

Afternoon Ladies, I have only talked to three people about this problem and wondered if this is normal. I am in my mid 30's (but my kids think I am 28) I am going...


Need Baby Registry Advice

B.D. asks from Kansas City

I'm expecting a baby girl in February, and we just brought home our new 10 and 5 year-old sons from Russia. Life is a little hectic right now, and most of my time is...

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