motorcycle safety

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Results 81-90 from 92 articles

New Year's Eve with Kids and Alcohol

K.C. asks from Cleveland

Does anyone feel the same way I do or am I just crazy? LOL! Every year my family (we have 3 boys - ages: 10 & twins that are 8) and 2 other families and their k...


Yellowstone This Summer - So Confused! Please Advise..

M.L. asks from Minneapolis

We are planning a trip to yellowstone this august (second week). This has been a dream destination for a while and if we don't make it this year, we might not ever(th...


My Fiance Thinks He Doesn't Have to Call Me When He Gets off Work.

N.T. asks from Philadelphia

My fiance runs a restaurant and works crazy hours 6 days a week. He gets off around midnight everyday. he will just show up at home. he gets dropped off at the corner...


Peer Pressure to NOT Buy a Minivan. Need Opinions.

T.B. asks from Atlanta

So first off, I know I am to old to be peer pressured, lol, but it is honestly starting to get to me....mainly because the #1 culprit is my husband. We are in our ea...


Invasion of the Health Insurance Carriers

M.C. asks from Detroit

We have medical insurance through my husband's employer. We renewed our policy last month as we have for many years.. One of the changes in the policy requests that...


I'm a Single Mom at Bedtime!

J.O. asks from Detroit

Husband (up for work at 6am) home at 6:30 and often in bed by 7:45. I cannot put the kids to bed alone! I do this around 8. Ages 1, 2 and 4. I get up in the night wi...


Need Help with Pushy Inlaws

K.R. asks from Dayton

Hello Mothers I am writing for advice on pushy in-laws. My husband and I were married and had a honeymoon baby. They were pushy before we were married. ...Pushier ...


"Undecided Battle"

C.M. asks from Los Angeles

I have been married for a little over 10 years my husband and I have always had a good marriage we have 3 kids 11,8,3 months. The other day he was home from work due ...


Pornography in House

A.K. asks from La Crosse

My teenage son recently came across something that was "left" on the computer. He let me know. It seems that my significant other looks at this "stuff" A lot. The rel...


I Feel like a Bad Mom

M.M. asks from Fresno

Hi, I am a first time mom, I have a 17 month old daughter (biological ) and 15 and 16 year old step sons.. Who keep me on my toes to say the least. I still learni...

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