Moms Best Friend

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Results 71-80 from 27,758 articles

Is It Weird to Be a Little Depressed Because My Best Friend Is Getting a Divorce

K.G. asks from Dallas

I met my best friend about 12 years ago and quite honestly I think fate brought us together, both in our early twenties recently married and pregnant, me with a girl ...


10 Yr Old Daughter Stealing from Her Best Friend!

C.C. asks from Raleigh

Hello Moms out there, We just found out today that my daughter has been stealing things from her best friend whom also lives across the street. She's been stealin...


Best Friend Has Post Partum Depression- Advice to Give Her?

L.K. asks from Washington DC

Hi Mamas, My best friend has a 10 day old baby, and post partum depression. She got some meds (Zoloft) but apparently they take a while to kick in (up to two weeks)...


Not Wanting to Be Around Best Friend Because Her Son Doesnt Behave.

K.P. asks from Huntsville

Hi. I could really use some advice. My very best friend who I love dearly and love being around has a 3 year old who well, is just bad! He cries all the time, he thro...


4-Yr-old Losing Her "Best Friend"

E.W. asks from New York

My daughter who just turned four and our next door neighbor who just turned six (we live in a condo complex) have been best friends and inseparable since my daughter ...


What's with the "My Ex Is Still My Best Friend and a Great Person" Divorces?

J.B. asks from Boston

So the other question about remaining friends after divorce reminded me of a question I've been meaning to ask here for a while. I know several women in real life who...


Received Expensive Birthday Gift for My Son from Our Neighbor/his Best Friend

J.T. asks from Denver

We celebrated my son's 5th birthday this weekend and his best friend that lives across the street from us gave him a $60 V Motion computer/TV game. I know that it was...


Best Friends?

J.C. asks from Hattiesburg

Can your spouse be your best friend? My answer would be yes. That is what I looked for, and thought I found in my husband. I recently found he had been hiding some th...


Has Anyone Experienced Childs "Best Friend" Being a Bully? LONG!

M.R. asks from Detroit

My daughters behavior has been insane at home for the past two weeks. Anytime I have tried talking to her, it would usually end up in an agruement. We do butt heand...


Which Bottles Are the Best?

K.R. asks from Dallas

Hi, Moms- I am expecting my first baby this August, and I am overwhelmed by the numerous choices of baby bottles out there. I am planning to breastfeed, and I woul...

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