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Results 41-50 from 54 articles

Simple Fun Baby Shower Games

S.D. asks from Los Angeles

Hi... I'm throwing a baby shower for my sister and would like some ideas for some simple fun baby shower games. All ideas are welcomed=)


7.5 Month Old Not into Solids, at all....should I Be Worried?

C.S. asks from San Francisco

My 7.5 month old daughter is just not into solids (she is exclusively breastfed and doesn't care for the bottle or formula either). We started at 4 months with rice c...


How Do I, Tactfully, Tell My Mom and Other Relatives About Visitation Limits?

I.R. asks from Atlanta

Hi all! :) DH and I found out we were pregnant with our first a few weeks ago @ 6 weeks along. We've talked about our desires at delivery and afterwards extensively. ...


Pull Ups When Potty Training

A.B. asks from Reading

My husband and I have started planning our potty training attack for my almost 2 year old daughter. However, we can't agree on one topic. I think we should skip the p...


Ewww! She Has Cootie Bugs!!!!

K.A. asks from Tampa

Okay I am so frustrated and don't know what to do. We discovered my daughter had lice after attending a birthday party last Saturday. Turns out one of the other littl...


Breastfeeding, Low Milk Production

K.L. asks from Washington DC

oh my gosh. i feel like such an emotional wreck. i'm sitting at my desk at work in tears bc I could only pump 2 oz just now. i sit here squeezing the bejeezus out of...


Milk Allergy Symptoms?

J.L. asks from Seattle

For those of you who's kids are allergic/sensitive to milk, what were their symptoms? My daughter is 13 months and we are close to completing the transition from f...


Ideas Please

R.L. asks from Los Angeles

Hello Fellow Moms, I need your ideas and creativity. A friend of mine is having another baby, and we are going to surprise her with a baby shower, I need game ideas...


My 1 Yr Old Only Wants to Eat What I Am Eating

S.S. asks from Chicago

My son no longer wants to eat baby food. I have tried different varieties but he puts up one heck of a fight. If I am eating something, however, he will eat whateve...



M.M. asks from Los Angeles

I was talking to a Mom friend of mine and I was telling her this funny story… After grocery shopping the other day with my child, I was talking to my husband on ...

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Answer Highlights

  • freeze it in ice cube trays in 2 answers "... puree them (in a food processor or blender) and then freeze it in ice cube trays."
  • different kinds of candy bars in 2 answers "You get 8 different kinds of candy bars or any candy."
  • metal nit comb in 2 answers "Then, with a metal nit comb, (found in most drugstores) comb through the hair in one ..."
  • cut up cooked carrots in 2 answers "... You can try cottage cheese, yogurt, hard cheeses, cut-up cooked carrots ..."
  • tea tree oil in 8 answers "I found that treating my daughter's hair weekly with tea tree oil kept the lice bugs ..."