michigan homes

Related Questions & Answers

Results 31-40 from 232 articles

"Renewable Energy"

M.A. asks from Detroit

Do you live in one of the renewable energy states? Has your utilities bills gone down, or up? Did this create jobs? Here in Michigan, we have a proposal on the b...


What's Your Dream House?

C.O. asks from Washington DC

We've been in our home for 17 years now....I'm ready for a change...husband, however, is not...I've been looking at homes - the Realtor knows we are passively looking...


Seatbelt Laws and Rvs

J.H. asks from New York

Hi moms, my family is planning a road trip from Texas to Michigan in a few weeks. We are buying an RV and driving it to my parents'. We want to bring 5 kids in cars...



K.B. asks from Grand Rapids

Ok ladies, a couple questions in one here: we live in Wyoming, Michigan and have purchased a lot in Holland, Michigan (in Waukazoo Woods) and have not yet signed pape...


Place to Go in Summer for Anniversary, for a Week

S.X. asks from Chicago

any ideas where to go for vacation for a week, that's not far like hawaii or europe... thinking of Marthas vinyard but so expensive. We live in IL We like museums a...


Family-friendly Neighborhoods in Chicago

R.B. asks from Chicago

I am moving with my husband and 15-month-old daughter to Chicago from Ann Arbor, Michigan. My husband will be working downtown (near the Sears Tower). My sister lives...


Seeking Info to Help with Relocating to Memphis. :)

J.D. asks from Memphis

My family and I are moving to the Memphis area at the end of May (we're from Michigan) because my husband just got a job in southeast Memphis off of Delp St. I was ju...


Turning House into Rental

J.G. asks from Chicago

i'm curious if anyone has turned their home into a rental property? Is it a pain? Is it worth it financially with capital gains tax? Hubby is looking for a new jo...


Dividing Time Between Families

A.R. asks from Knoxville

We live 600 miles from our home town and have for over 7 years. We grew up in a less then desirable location in Michigan so when we go back there it is stricly out of...


Question for Parents of Teens, Preferably in a Large City

S.H. asks from Chicago

We live in Chicago and have a 13 year old boy and a 16 year old girl. A bit of background: My daughter is very social, has lots of friends, does lots of activities,...

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  • massive power lines in 2 answers "The issue of massive power lines and what to do with them and where is all over the ..."
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