medical receptionist job

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Results 41-50 from 157 articles

How to Work Part Time with Kids

L.L. asks from Detroit

I am thinking of going back to work in a few months, about two days a week. My SIL is willing to watch my baby as long as it is during "school hours". I have a degr...


Anything I Can Do to Improve My Hireability?

P.G. asks from Dallas

I'm in my early 40's, have had admin jobs forever, had a stint in commission sales (not my thing), took time off to be a mom, started my own business when son was 1 (...


Help. I Can't Find Work

M.R. asks from Dallas

I am a single mom that has been a SAHM for most of youngest son's life. I've been temping through a nanny agency since Jan 2007 and babysitting here and there due to ...


Would like Opinions About the Following doctors--See List

M.N. asks from Dallas

I am looking for a new Obgyn and have narrowed it down to the following. Would like additional feedback to aid in making a final decision. Has anyone used the follow...


Stay Home W/my Baby or Go Back to work......uuuuuggggghhhh This Is Not Fun.

K.H. asks from St. Louis

I am having a hard time juggling ideas about staying home w/my little Angel (knowing that life would be much smoother if I went back to work)or going back to work but...


My Doctor Double Billing

C.M. asks from Melbourne

Good morning all! I have a situation that is really getting my goat! I awoke this morning with it making me cuss out loud. I recently had to get a copy of all ...


Advice About College Son Working

L.V. asks from Dallas

My son is a freshman in college. He just finished up his first semester with a 3.0 GPA and we're proud of him. Going into the 2nd semester with 14 hours, do you thi...


Need Help with Insurance, Dr, and Other Decisions.

A.M. asks from Dallas

We made the decision to have a baby. I am 32 years young. I have always had High Cholesterol and weight 150 lbs. I have a previous child 14 years old that was prematu...


Need Advice

M.S. asks from Dallas

I recently lost my job and I am waiting on an unemployment appeal to see if I can get unemployment. The only income we have right now is my husbands unemployment, I ...


Going Back to Work!

A.B. asks from Chicago

I am looking for some advice on how to update my resume. I have been a SAHM for 8 years and this fall my youngest starts kindergarten. I'm itching to get back to wo...

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Answer Highlights

  • get a part time job in 4 answers "We have had two go through college so far and had them get a part-time job from their ..."
  • medical city dallas in 3 answers "I can't say enough about her. I love Medical City Dallas."
  • from your insurance company in 2 answers "Also, you can obtain records of payments from your insurance company."
  • jones and diaz in 2 answers "The Carlos, Parnell, Jones and Diaz practice is a wonderful group of doctors."
  • delivered at medical city in 2 answers "I delivered at Medical City March 2008 with Dr."