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Results 41-50 from 592 articles

Pink Eye

T.C. asks from Hickory

my four year old daughter caught pink eyes from my 20 month old who had them last week.... my 4 year old is much worse and cant stop crying saying that they burn.... ...


Need Recommendations for a Good Wheat Grinder

C.T. asks from Salt Lake City

I am looking for a good electric wheat grinder that is user friendly and easy clean-up. It's something that I plan on using weekly so I would like the advice of all ...


Anyone Know Where to Get Used Moving Boxes?

T.F. asks from Chicago

I am preparing to pack up my house to put it on the market. I have a ton of nick-nacks, toys and dishes that need to be put away to prepare the house. I live in the A...


Starting a Baby Food Business

J. asks from Dallas

I was thinking about starting a business with my friend making baby food. I was thinking about organic foods. I have been making food for my son and I highly enjoy it...


A Possible Motive...

J.W. asks from St. Louis

I am watching the local news, apparently their tease is the nut case bomber in Oslo has admitted it was him and told authorities his motive. Does anyone out there ...


Where Can I Get Granite Countertops for a Reasonable Price?

K.P. asks from St. Louis

Do any of you mom's know of a place in St. Louis where I can find reasonable granite countertops? My kitchen is in great need of new countertops and we think the gran...


Best If Sold by Dates

M.C. asks from Rockford

My husband and I were given some baby food by a friend. The baby cereal has a best if used by date of September 2008. Someone told my that it's still good for awhil...


American Girl Doll Hospital

K.A. asks from San Diego

Hello ladies! Can anyone tell me about their experience with the AG doll hospital? It doesn't list prices, even ball park on their website. I am wondering what diffe...


Looking for Work from Home Employment

S.P. asks from Houston

With the rising costs of gas and groceries I am interested in finding a way to earn extra income by working from home. I am currently an Independent Southern Living ...


Bad News or a New Opportunity

S.H. asks from Los Angeles

I am 29 almost 30 weeks pregmant and home onn bed rest. My boss called and told me that they were shutting down my office and would have to look for a new job once t...

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Answer Highlights

  • whisper mill in 2 answers "I love the WonderMill (used to be called the Whisper Mill). It was recommended to ..."
  • grinding wheat in 2 answers "... but same grinder) mill at Christmas even though it was still grinding wheat ..."
  • liability insurance in 2 answers "If you plan on doing this, you will need to check into liability insurance."