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Results 51-60 from 325 articles

When to Start Caffeinating??

S.W. asks from Detroit

Hello All, So I picked up my 14 year old, 8th grade, son from school yesterday. I love my pick up days because, while the drive is only about 15 minutes, it's one...


Will the "Love" Come?

S.B. asks from Kansas City

Hey there, I may sound like a terrible person, but please don't judge me, I'm doing enough of it myself. We have 6 of our own kids, and recently we've taken in a 2 a...


Mothers of 3+ Children, College & Working

J.J. asks from St. Louis

I have a 5, 3, and almost 1 yr old. For the past 5 years I have basically been a SAHM. I have registred for 3 fall online classes and considering for applying for a r...


Changing Career

L.G. asks from Boston

My husband has spent 15+ years in retail management - a good job with a lot of responsibility, but kind of rotten hours and not so great pay - but what other careers ...


JFF: What Do You Do for Work?

K.G. asks from Boca Raton

Hi Moms, I'm curious what some mom's on here do for work? In the past, I worked as an assistant at a hair salon, I worked at an insurance company (as my husbands a...


Would You Leave Your 5 Year Old for a Week?

S.B. asks from Los Angeles

I just accepted an awesome job, where I am an independent contractor. I make my own hours and can work when my 5 year old son is in school. I have plenty of time to...


What Was Your Major or Career?

M.L. asks from Houston

I am 3 classes from getting my associates degree in general studies. Then, I will have to declare a major when I apply to a university. I know what I don't want to do...


Managing Chronic Illness in the Family

M.B. asks from Sacramento

Are there any moms with a child(ren) with chronic health issues? What about moms whose husbands have chronic health issues --or the moms themselves... or even all 3?...


Re-entering the Workforce

C.N. asks from Minneapolis

My husband has been at home with our children full time for a little over a year. It was his choice to leave the workforce and it has been wonderful. He wants to con...


Feeling like a Loser Career-wise

L.N. asks from Fort Myers

My son is 2.5. I always wanted to stay home with him (as evidenced by my previous post on here) but have been too chicken because of fear about the economy/living on ...

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Answer Highlights

  • caffeinated drinks in 3 answers "When did you let your kids drink caffeinated drinks?"
  • coca cola in 2 answers "When I moved to Belgium I switched to Coca-Cola and never went back."
  • red bull in 11 answers "I wouldn't give my kids or my friends Red Bull - that's a heart attack waiting to ..."
  • dabble in caffeine in 2 answers "You're talking about caffeine like it's taboo. Dabble in caffeine - that's not a thing."
  • caffeine stunts in 2 answers "I don't believe that caffeine stunts a child's growth."