little tyke

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Results 11-20 from 129 articles

Looking for Best Digital Camera for Kids

On the 3 name brands, Little tykes doesn't tell me online what the pixel ... V- Tech offers enough memory to hold 200 pictures, Little tykes enough for 1000, ...

Christmas Presents for a 1-Year-old

Anyway, the ONLY thing we got her on that first Christmas that has proven to be AWESOME since day one and going was a Little Tikes Wagon. ...

Outside Toys for One Year Old

We have a little tikes slide that looks like a castle. One one side it has a part for them to climb up and then there is a wheel to turn on the "landing" ...

What gift should I get for a 2 year old boy's birthday?

My two year old loves those soft Little Tykes cars that you can get at Walmart or any toy store. He has played with them for hours and hours. ...

Purchasing a Swing Set

If it is his choice instead of wood, please consider the ones by Little Tikes or Step 2. It is very hard to find a metal one that is built tough. ...

Which to Use?

I've used pampers, little tykes, and the store brands from babies r us, target and K-mart (we moved and were living at my parent's house for a while so we ...

Toy Ideas for a Two Year Old

She also got a Little Tykes shopping cart and loves that also. I also babysit for another 2 year old and an 20 month old and those 2 toys are also their ...

2 Things: Best Purchase We Ever Made! What Toys Should I Buy 2 Year Old DD?

Little Tykes has a couple neat plastic ones (like the "Inside/Outside Cook n Grill Kitchen"), and Target has a very cool wooden one. ...

What Do You Get a 1 Year Old for There Birthday?

Ours is a Little Tykes. Also, now a days everything is labeled with an appropriate age on the box. In our experience, the ages on the box are usually pretty ...

Seeking Advice About Safe Trampolines

We have one of the Little Tikes inflatables. obstacle-course-bouncer.a... This will be our 3rd year (bought 5/06). ...
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