jobs private school

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Results 71-80 from 1,772 articles

Need Help with Son's School

D.R. asks from Des Moines

I need ideas on how to help my son at school with his ad/hd. I have fought the schools for 4 years to try to get them to give him extra help. I don't think they did...


Financial Assistance with School

P.M. asks from Dallas

Hello all of you lovley and helpful ppl, I have a 3 year n 3 month old that I must get to school for half day, he will be 4 in December and was wondering if there was...


Help!!! School Mornings Are Stressful!!

A.C. asks from New London

My daughter is in first grade, she a very good child,never had to sit in time out and the teachers and staff love her. But she hates going to school, she would just r...


School Dress Code

K.F. asks from Orlando

Lately there has been several incidents of Principals/Teachers embarrassing by humiliation young students who appear to have violated the school's dress code. There m...


How to Help a Teenager Who Is Failing School.

J.M. asks from Chicago

My goddaughter is a Freshman in High School and will remain there if she doesn't get her act together in the next few weeks before school gets out. Her parents have ...


My 2Nd Grader Suspended from School!!!

T.F. asks from Albuquerque

A few years ago, my husband gave my son (who is now 8) a bullet to put in his "treasure box"--just because my son thought it was a really neat thing. Well, we found...


School Denies This Is Bullying

S.T. asks from Odessa

Can you play Devil's advocate and help me prepare for our final meeting with the school leaders? I have decided we are leaving but I want to get out of paying for nex...


Obamacare Question for School

C.D. asks from Los Angeles

Hello, I am in school and am taking this Issues in Nursing class. There was a question about Obamacare on a quiz and I cannot even locate the info in the text. The ...


Daughter Terrified of School.

E.Z. asks from Los Angeles

Hi everyone. So my daughter has started kindergarten, and it has not been a smooth ride. She was previously enrolled in a state preschool, which is located in a roo...


Middle School Math- What Level

E.K. asks from Boston

My sons middle school breaks the 7th grade kids in two groups for math. 3/5 of the classes are concidered accelerated. 2/5 are a "slower" pace. My son was placed...

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