is acid reflux gerd

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Results 41-50 from 719 articles

Milk Allergy, Acid Reflux or WHAT???

J.L. asks from Charlotte

I daughter is 6 1/2 weeks old and is having issues with feeding. Symptoms: Spitting up - a lot now that on Nutramigen, before it was occasional. Diarrhea - for a...


Constant crying..and Acid Reflux

J.E. asks from Columbus

My g/f and i just had a beautiful baby girl..she is 3 weeks today..Doctor told us she has acid reflux and put her on zantac..she still spits up and sometimes its alot...


Infant with Acid Reflux

M.B. asks from San Francisco

Hello everyone, My baby girl just turned one month yesterday. She was having issues gaining weight and was spitting up several times a day (almost all that she ate)....


Advice on My Acid Reflux Baby

R.D. asks from New York

My baby is 4mths and 15lbs.. Since she been she was cranky and fussy alot so I take her to her 1mth check up and the doc switched her milk from similac advance to ali...


Overfeeding or Acid Reflux?

D.F. asks from Raleigh

Though I am breastfeeding, my daughter's tongue-tie has resulted in me having to mostly bottle-feed her my milk while she builds up her tongue muscles. I had her fre...


Is It Reflux

D.M. asks from New York

I hVe a 3 wk old who had milk allergy so now on alimentum. Still seems like he's in pain while drinking and burps then swallows some and coughs. Spits up now a good a...



L.F. asks from Louisville

My daughter was diagnosed with Infant Gerds at 2 months. She was put on baby Zantac and was doing a lot better after a few months. She is now 6 months and it has gott...



C.K. asks from Dallas

My 3 month old has this and she seems to having a difficult time with it even with the medicine. Do any other mothers know any tips for this? She sleeps in her bounc...


Acid Reflux

S.K. asks from Denver

I posted in January about my son having some stomach pains which he is over but during the process and several dr visits the Dr said it sounds like GERD and is treati...


2 Year Old with "Gerd".

T.A. asks from Tampa

hi,i am a mom a a beautiful awesome little boy who suffers from gerd (gastro esophogeal reflux disease) and am wondering if there are any natural treatments i can do ...

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Answer Highlights

  • finally prescribed zantac in 2 answers "Our pediatrician finally prescribed Zantac which helped a lot, and also suggested ..."
  • get a second opinion in 4 answers "... insisting on something to help ASAP OR find another led and get a second opinion."
  • salt and pepper in 2 answers "... like the other mom I ate rice, chicken, beef and seasoned with salt and pepper."
  • cut out dairy in 2 answers "With both children I breastfed exclusivly and cut out dairy, soy, wheat, eggs, any ..."
  • tucker sling in 2 answers "... was able to sleep soundly in her car seat, so we then purchased a Tucker Sling ..."