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Preparing My Children for When Dad Deploys to Iraq

M.F. asks from Lawton

My husband will be deployed in four or five months, and I have a 2 year old and 6 month old. Any ideas on how to better prepare then for the days ahead.


Troop in Iraq Denied Leave for Funeral! Help Us Get Him There!

H.L. asks from Los Angeles

My nephew is currently on his second deployment to war. His Popa died yesterday morning, we contacted the red cross and did the paperwork to get the death verified a...


Military Moms

K.W. asks from Los Angeles

Are there any mothers or wives out there with sons or husbands in the military? I don't see any type of category for it. My oldest son is going to Iraq and I'd like ...


Support Group

A.H. asks from Tampa

Hello, My name is Angela and my 23 year old son just left for Iraq and i would like to start a support group of other parents that have shildren that are over in ...


Ideas for Helping a Family While Husband/Daddy Is Deployed

A.K. asks from Minneapolis

We have friends who will be sending their daddy to Iraq for a year. I am hoping to hear from others who have had a spouse/parent deployed. What help would you have ...


How to Bond from a Distance?

E.C. asks from Minneapolis

I'm looking for ways to help my 3 month old bond with his daddy who it thousand of miles away in Iraq. We're worried about the homecoming and our son being afraid of ...


Seeking Other Moms Ideas

T.T. asks from Norfolk

My husband/father of our children is coming home from Iraq and I was wondering what ideas you all have for us to do or make for his welcome home. We have a poster we...


My 10 Year Old and Her Behavior Out of Control

S.L. asks from Waterloo

I have a 10 year old that it seems that i can not get any control over. She is not bad it is her mouth and her attitude. I dont know what to do with her as for how to...


"Single Parent" Due to Husband's Deployment

T.H. asks from Rochester

My husband is currently deployed to Iraq for the next year and I'm a stay at home mom with two boys under 3. I'm looking for any advice on how to get thru the next 12...


Little Girl Who Whines All the Time

L.G. asks from Honolulu

My little girl is 4, and i cannot get her to stop the whining , everytimes she wants something she whines. I tell her to use her words and not tears but that doesnt ...

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Answer Highlights

  • dvd from sesame street in 2 answers "Someone told me about this free DVD from Sesame Street that is supposed to help children ..."
  • keep lots of pictures of daddy in 2 answers "Also, keep lots of pictures of daddy around the house, in your daughters'"
  • take lots of pictures of dad in 2 answers "... yours are so young, the pictures would be great. Take lots of pictures of dad ..."
  • send goodie boxes in 2 answers "Let him know that MANY are proud of him and praying for him. Send goodie boxes as ..."
  • stick to your guns in 2 answers "But most of all you must stick to your guns ad be strict about not listening or giving ..."