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Results 31-40 from 95 articles

Recommendations for Best Credit Card Mileage Plan

S.R. asks from San Francisco

Hello Mamas! My hubby and I have been discussing opening a line of credit that we would use to buy our groceries and pay all of our regular bills, and then pay off e...


Looking for Full-day Kindergarten Suggestions

J.S. asks from Portland

My 5yo daughter will be starting Kindergarten in the fall. She has been in the most phenomenal full-day preschool for the past two years and we have decided that con...


First Time Travelling with Triplets

D.G. asks from Los Angeles

Hi, my Wife and I had triplets and will be flying with them from Los Angeles to Seattle with them - they will be about 6 months old at the time of travel and we will ...


Seeking Help with Dealing with 6 Year Old and Daddys Deployment

M.B. asks from Stationed Overseas

My DD is going to a German School and her Daddy is going to deploy soon (before christmas). Do you have any tipps on how I can make the deployment as easy for her as ...


MLM Vs. Binary Compensation

T.H. asks from Chicago

Does anyone on here actually understand how they get paid working with a MLM or Binary company? What are the main differences? How much do you have to sell to make ...


Wahms What Do You Do?

K.P. asks from Duluth

So, if you work from your home (except for doing daycare) what do you do? My ideal is to do something very part time. But, in time, I may want to have something to ...


Education On-line

M.W. asks from Kansas City

I am looking for recommendations for on-line college courses. I am wanting to finish my degree, however I have not been in school in over ten years and do not know m...


Looking for Budget Friendly Meal Ideas

K.L. asks from Minneapolis

Hey there! As i was planning this weeks meals I realize I need a little help! I am looking for budget,mom and kid friendly recipes!!Any help would be great!


Replace or Get Rid of My Land Line?

K.L. asks from Lafayette

my land line phones went dead, so we are considering not replacing them. DD, hubby,and I all have cell phones. DS, 10, is just starting to stay home alone for a few...


2 Years to Retirement and the Pain of Waiting

R.H. asks from Houston

What should you plan when you are near retirement?

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Answer Highlights

  • our cell phones in 3 answers "I like having one; our cell phones aren't reliable in our little spot in the country."
  • favorite credit card in 2 answers "We run our own business and we do a favorite credit card with benefits for all our ..."
  • miles per dollars in 2 answers "The ones with the best miles per $ also had an annual fee."
  • through university of phoenix in 2 answers "Hi M., I am currently taking classes through University of Phoenix."
  • no annual fee in 2 answers "Now I have a different rewards card, no annual fee but the miles to dollar ratio hasn't ..."