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Results 51-60 from 269 articles

14 Month Old Suddenly Developing Fears

A.V. asks from Las Vegas

My once independent and fearless little boy has suddenly started developing fears. He is scared of certain toys, and images on DVD's (Baby Einstein). He starts cryi...


4 1/2 Yr Old Sleeping with Us

C.S. asks from College Station

Since we moved to our new house our daughter has been sleeping in our bed. She will sleep in her bed if we lay down with her. Her bed is small & hard for us to sleep ...


HELP...Whining 15 Month Old....

A.J. asks from Sacramento

I can't take it anymore..I know it's because he can't communicate what he wants but I am at my wits end and 4 mths pregnat with #2 and just plain tired). We start...


3 Year Old Temper Tantrums

M.T. asks from Los Angeles

My sweet 3 year old baby boy is having some temper tantrums. I have a soon be 5 year old little girl but, I don’t remember her going through this. My little guy get...


Potty Training 3 Year Old

H. asks from Phoenix

Hello All! I initiated the potty training since I thought it was time because of his age. He hasn't really shown that much of an interest. We bought a little potty,...


I Could Use a Good Laugh

J.G. asks from New York

Hiya Mamas! I have had a REALLY BAD month. I had considered having a little pity party complete with foil hats and noise-makers, but that seems a little pointless ...


Toddler "Princess" Reactions

J.R. asks from Portland

My two year old daughter has pretty strong reactions to getting "yucky" while eating. If she gets yogurt on her finger, she can't eat another bite until it's cleaned ...


Toddler Attachment

S.T. asks from Detroit

My son is very attached to me and often rejects his dad. They sometimes have a great time but if he is tired or having an off day he just wants me and I am worried a...


Turkey Brine

A.J. asks from Seattle

Has any one or does any one regularly brine their turkey? This is the first year I am doing it and I am a little nervous, because I don't want to ruin my turkey. Th...


Chemotherapy Advice

M.!. asks from Phoenix

My sister (in-law) is starting chemotherapy for breast cancer this week. I want to make a care package of things that might comfort her during the difficult time ahe...

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Answer Highlights

  • kosher salt in 2 answers "I just use the Morton Kosher Salt instructions on the box.. Always delicious and tastes ..."
  • their own beds in 3 answers "Then make a new rule that kids need to sleep in their own beds period."
  • sesame street in 4 answers "PS I think that big elephant on Sesame Street is scary, too!"
  • apple cider in 2 answers "Funny, I was just sent a Brine recipe but it said Koshure salt, apple cider, brown ..."
  • glow in the dark in 2 answers "I also tacked up on the wall and right beside her pillow, a glow-in-the-dark, classic ..."