how to make money the

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Unexpected Money

T.P. asks from Washington DC

You just got and unexpected check for $1000....What would you do with the money? I could think of a lot of things to do for myself but considering where it came from...


How to save Money

M.P. asks from San Francisco

I am trying to put a mini class together about "how to save money" at a church function. As a Japanese, I supposed to be good at it, but I am better at spending than ...


I Know Its "Our" Money But.....

ღ.. asks from Detroit

Does it make you feel like a loser when you buy something for your husband with his own money? I am now offically a SAHM, since I have had kids I have always worke...


Money Question

C.O. asks from Washington DC

My SIL is a medically retired Firefighter. She got a bill in the mail from the IRS stating that she owed $7K in back taxes. She doesn't have the money - I told her th...


Extra Money!!

T.D. asks from Denver

Has anyone out there found a good way to bring in some extra money? We need to bring in some extra money to help with bills and every day life. I work full time and s...


Do I Accept the Money?

H.P. asks from Boston

I have friend who needs me to watch her child for a few hours next Friday. She insists on paying, but I don't feel that comfortable accepting the money because we ar...


Saving Money

R.J. asks from Dallas

What ways have you all come up with to save money? We are really starting to feel the pinch with the cost of everything on the rise. I was just wondering what are o...


How to Make $ Money Selling Crafts?

A.R. asks from Milwaukee

I was thinking I could earn some extra cash making holiday arrangements such as wreaths, centerpieces and such. After purchasing the supplies I want to come out ahead...


Money Issues

T.F. asks from Los Angeles

Hello Mammas, Just wondering how all you SAHM's handle not really "having" your own money. I am having a hard time accepting the fact that I always have to ask my ...


What Do You Do to save Money?

C.V. asks from Columbia

We have a budget. We live within our means. We're not in debt (other than the mortgage). I'm just looking for ways we can save a few dollars here and there in orde...

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