how to get pee smell out of couch

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He Sure Cut the Mustard......

E.B. asks from Seattle

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My Cat Is Peeing in Other Places Besides Her Litter Box!!

K.B. asks from Dallas

Okay, my cat is about 6 years old and this morning i found that she had peed on my 16 month olds little Elmo couch that folds out for him to lay on (we just bought th...


Removing Cat Urine from Car Seat

J.E. asks from Boston

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What to Do with My Cat?

C.S. asks from Minneapolis

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Stained, Smelly Carpet

L.H. asks from Salt Lake City

Does anyone have any tips on how to clean the stain and odor out of carpet after it's been thrown up on? I've tried baking soda for the smell and it didn't work.


3 Yo Will Not #2 in potty-HELP!

L.D. asks from Dallas

My 3 yo daughter will pee pee in the potty every time, but she refuses to even try to go poo in the potty. She has done it several times and we would throw a "party" ...


Cat Urine On/in Travertine Tile

C.T. asks from New York

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Potty Training Accidents

N.P. asks from Los Angeles

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A.D. asks from Portland

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Kitten Peeing on the Bed

C.M. asks from Denver

Hello, My friend just got a kitten about a month ago, he is a boy kitten and about once a week he pees on her bed. She lives in a studio apartment so her couch is he...

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Answer Highlights

  • get a second litter box in 2 answers "... several things: get a food that is for urinary issues, get a second litter box ..."
  • urinary tract infection in 2 answers "... cat was doing that as well and it turned out to be a urinary tract infection."
  • specifically for cat urine in 2 answers "... even though there are several variations and some specifically for cat urine."
  • natures miracle in 6 answers "I went to PetCo and they recommended Nature's Miracle Stain and Odor Remover."
  • taking the cat to the vet in 3 answers "I don't know about taking the cat to the vet."