homes worth

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Results 61-70 from 4,262 articles

A Modest Home

J.W. asks from St. Louis

I am curious how much a modest home cost in your area? By modest I am going with around 2,000 sq ft. Three to four bedrooms. I was amazed yesterday how scatter...


Foreclosure Question

H.H. asks from Detroit

My husband and I are considering putting up our home for sale in hopes of buying a foreclosed home in an area where we would stay for a long time. Does anyone know if...


Which Magazine Would You Choose

T.C. asks from Provo

I'm trying to make a decision between getting a year subscription for either "Better homes and gardens", "Family Fun", or "Family circle". Have any of you read any ...


Best Kitchen Surfaces, for Kids and Resale in the Future

D.E. asks from Cincinnati

We are slowly but surely settling in to our new home. When we bought this house as much as we loved it we knew there would be things we want to change as we can. One...


Help on Purchasing a Home

T.C. asks from Tampa

Hello, We are looking to buy our first home sometime in december of this year and have not a clue where to begin. I have already contacted a real estate agent and...


Information About Schools in Oceanside Area

J.M. asks from San Diego

Hi! I am in the process of moving back to Oceanside from the Midwest. I now have 2 children, one will be starting school soon and I was wondering wich schools are g...


Teens Allowed to Have Sex in the Home

D.P. asks from Sacramento

OK I saw this on the news last night and I just could not believe it. I am pretty liberal, but I dont think I would be one of these parents when my kids are older. Wh...


Has Anyone Gone Thru a Foreclosure? Losing My Home.

C.C. asks from Visalia

I just got word that we didn't qualify for a modification. been trying for quite awhile. I lost my job and Husband retired early because of a bad heart. We been livin...


Needing to Find a Rental Home in Saginaw

N.V. asks from Dallas

My husband and I are looking to rent a house in the Saginaw area. I have been driving around looking for rental homes for the last month but am only finding homes for...


How Long Have You Lived in Your Home?

M.D. asks from Washington DC

The states question made me think about how many homes I have lived in! From the time I was born, until the time I moved out on my own, I lived in 12 different homes....

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