home remedy

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What Is Your Favorite "Nip It in the Bud" Cold Remedy?

M.C. asks from Chattanooga

My 4 yo is starting to come down with a summer cold. I noticed it yesterday, and it has started getting worse today. I REALLY want to nip this in the bud as much as I...


I Need a Home Remedy for HAY HAIR Lol

F.H. asks from Phoenix

My hair is naturally curly, long and VERY dry this winter! I feels like hay, no joke. Oh, and I'm almost 100% gray so I color it about every 4 weeks. I don't real...


Soothing an Ear Infection with a Home Remedy

M.C. asks from Detroit

Hi Moms, My 5 year old started complaining this evening that his ear hurts. I checked it out and I'm certain it's an ear infection. He also is running a temp and...


Need FAST Home Remedy for Puffy Eyes!!

R.D. asks from Richmond

Stupid PMS + holiday stress + super lack of sleep... cried my eyes out last night, I feel much better (I guess I needed that!), BUT today is my son's first birthday, ...


Anyone Ever Used Bach Rescue Remedy for PANIC!!! Help*****

C.L. asks from Dallas

Hi Everyone, I was wondering if anyone has ever tried Bach's Rescue Remedy for panic and anxiety? I don't know anything about it. Is this a bunch of "Hooey"??? I...


Home Remedy for a Cold

H.W. asks from Des Moines

Any suggestions???? 6 1/2 month old, using saline and spray, baby vapor rub, tylenol, matress is elevated....any other tried and true ideas?


Home Remedy for Dirrehea?

L.B. asks from Dallas

My daughter who is 23 months (almost 2, bday is May 19th) has been having dirrehea since last Thursday or Friday. I finally decided it was time to give her something...


Migraines--Any "Home Remedy" Ideas?

B.R. asks from Milwaukee

I've run the gamut of prescription meds and over-the-counter. Anyone have a "tried and true" method to get rid of a migraine? This one is going on 3 days. Thanks.


Best Cough Remedy

H.B. asks from Cleveland

My 1yr old has been very congested the past few days and last night has added coughing to the mix. I have been running the humidifier in her room but it doesn't seem...


What Is Your Go to Digestive Upset Remedy?

T.D. asks from New York

Feeling bloated, a wee bit constipated and looking for a natural remedy. What is your go to remedy for when your gut is feeling off and you want to get it back on tra...

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Answer Highlights

  • vicks vapor rub on the bottom in 2 answers "i have found that rubbing vicks vapor rub on the bottom of my daughters feet and puttin ..."
  • bottoms of feet and put socks in 2 answers "... day on THIS site to put Vick's Vapor Rub on the bottoms of feet & put socks ..."
  • saline nasal spray in 2 answers "Use over the counter saline nasal spray every hour."
  • cucumber slices in 3 answers "... caffiene will help with the swelling another thing to try-some cucumber slices."
  • neti pot in 4 answers "My grandson learned to rinse (neti pot) his sinuses right away when symtoms appear ..."