holiday baby

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Need Help to Bring Holiday Cheer

J.M. asks from Chicago

My best friend in the world is in desperate need of some holiday cheer. She was doing a surrogacy and lost the baby at 11 weeks along last week and her husband's bon...


Holiday Madness - Baby's 1St Christmas

S. asks from Washington DC

My husband, daughter and myself will be travelling to Florida for 4 nights at Christmas. Normally we stay with my parents, however this year we are staying in a hote...


Holiday Nightmares with In-Laws

E.S. asks from Atlanta

Years ago, my brothers and all our spouses agreed to rotate holidays (ex: Thanksgiving with our side, Christmas with the spouse family, and flip-flop the next year). ...


Holiday Craft Open House-- in My Home???

M.S. asks from Chicago

I'm wondering if anyone has held a craft show in their home? If so, do you have any success tips? I'm wondering if it's worth my while to give it a try? I was thin...


Holiday Gift Suggestions for 6 Month Old

K.D. asks from New York

Hi Mamas! I know it is early, but my family is already asking what they should buy our daughter for Christmas, and I don't want to end up with tons of stuffed animal...


Fall/Winter Baby or Spring/Summer Baby???

Y.G. asks from Albuquerque

Hello fellow mamas and papas! So me and hubby are ready for another baby. We have a 3/12 yr old son that was born in July. My husband wants to start trying now becaus...


Another Baby

T.P. asks from Washington DC

so i have asked all my family and friends their advise, so let me ask complete strangers... my fiance wants another baby, (he is 6 yrs younger then i am ) and i am al...


Present from the Baby

R.S. asks from Kansas City

I have read, and think its a neat idea, to have a gift "from the new baby" for the first child. We have my son registered for a big brother class at the hospital, w...


Baby Etiquette

J.M. asks from Orlando

I have heard of people sending a thank you gift to the OB/GYN’s office after the baby is born. Did anyone do that? Or is it just appropriate to send a birth annou...


December Baby

A.L. asks from Alexandria

Hi Mamas, I'm wanting some feedback on having babies in December. Those of you who either have a baby in the month or you yourself have a birthday then. We are tryin...

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