hip pain after childbirth

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Results 51-60 from 137 articles

Breech @ 28 Weeks

K.S. asks from New York

@ 28 weeks my baby was said to be breech due to an ultrasound because of me having spotting. i understand this is early and the baby can turn. then @ 29 weeks i had ...


For Those Who Had Both Vaginal Birth and C-section, Which One Was Better?

Y.P. asks from Phoenix

I am a first time mom and I was discussing birth options with my OB. I have the option to have a scheduled c-section and I am highly considering this. I've had a lapa...


Can Anyone Share Their Positive Experience Giving Birth W/o an Epidural?

A.K. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms, I'm 36 weeks pregnant and am really considering giving birth without an epidural. This is our second, and likely last, child and crazy as it may sound, I...


Your Dd First Periods

M.L. asks from Cleveland

I have a vague memory of my first period over summer break but really don't remember how old I was. Dd is 11 and a half. She thinks she may have gotten hers last nig...


26 Wks Pregnant, Need Sciatica Help!!

R.D. asks from Richmond

i suffered from mild sciatica the last few weeks of my first two pregnancies... however, this is SO different. i have MONTHS left to go... and i cant even walk becaus...


Say a Short Prayer for Me Please

G.T. asks from Modesto

I have 3 herniated disks that have made my life completely miserable for about the last 4 months. Back and forth to doc, getting xrays and mri's, taking stupid pain ...


Aching Feet in the Morning?

J.S. asks from Washington DC

Hi Mamas, I have a strange question, but I am hoping someone will help. I have two girls - the baby just turned 5 months and my eldest is almost 2-1/2, they are 25 ...


Pregnant and Needing Chiropractor Advice

M.R. asks from Fort Myers

I am 36 weeks pregnant with my first and having extreme lower back discomfort. I know that this somewhat common due to the stretching of my lower spine, however, som...


Personal Delima

K.M. asks from Sherman

I am scheduled to induce on August 6th and can't decide what I want to do for pain management. I've heard lots of mixed reviews on epidurals vs. local anesthesia. C...


Seeking Advice on Being on Hydrocodne While Pregnant

L.P. asks from Des Moines

I am 34 years old and we are pregnant with our first child (only about 5-6 wks. along right now). I have been prescribed hydrocodone for a couple of years (prescribe...

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