high health

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Results 71-80 from 19,418 articles

Tween Overworrying About Health Issues

J.H. asks from New York

My daughter is 11 yrs. old and comes home everyday worrying about every health ailment you can possibly think of. She thinks she will get lead poisoning if her finge...


Seeking Private Health Insurance

K.C. asks from Dallas

Hello Mommies!! I am going to be leaving my job to return to college for a year to finish my nursing degree. It's wonderful for our family except that I am the bene...


Affordable Health Insurance

S.S. asks from Chicago

One more time as I can't seem to find this anywhere. Can someone recommend affordable health insurance. I do have Ameriplan but I thought someone recommended somethin...


Individual Health Insurance Coverage

T.R. asks from Dallas

Does anyone here on the Message Board have Individual Health Coverage out of Pocket? My Ex-Husband just took me off of his Family Policy 2 days ago, and my posit...


HSA Eligible Health Plan

J.C. asks from San Francisco

The company my husband works for pays for his insurance only. I'm self-employed and have a separate plan for myself and my children. My Anthem Blue Cross plan has b...


From Vegetarian to Vegan... Health Dilemma....

I.B. asks from Los Angeles

Hi, My 17 y/o son decided to become a vegetarian a year ago. He stopped eating meet/chicken/fish, but continued eating eggs and dairy products. Few days ago he dec...


Stopping Breasfeeding - Mom's Health

H.A. asks from Santa Barbara

I have stopped breastfeeding within the last week or so. My question is regarding my own health, as all the research I do online talks about the baby and her psychol...


Health Savings Accounts (HSA)

C.M. asks from St. Louis

My husband's job is going to a new health insurance that uses Health Savings Accounts. My husband and I are fairly healthy - I go to the doctor usually 1x a year (ann...


Health Insurance Question

T.W. asks from Dallas

Hi Ladies, I have a question about Health Insurance. Long Story Short, I've never been without Health Insurance. I was on Group Insurance with BCBS/Healthselect, an...


Health Risk at My Apartments

E.G. asks from El Paso

Hello Ladies! I have an issue where I live. I moved to some new apartments a few months back after living in a house for almost 6 years. After living here for 7 mo no...

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Answer Highlights

  • la leche league in 2 answers "Look on la leche league information about weening."
  • hsa rolls over in 2 answers "Our HSA rolls over each year so we don't lose it, we accumilate it."
  • can turn into mastitis in 2 answers "... plugged ducts (sounds like you've got one). Pluged ducts can turn into mastitis ..."
  • use a warm compress in 2 answers "I used to use a warm compress and massage the area when I got lumps."
  • plugged milk duct in 2 answers "... I was breastfeeding I had a lump and it turned out to be a plugged milk duct ..."