happy sleep habit

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5 Month Old Sleep Time Habit

Z.Q. asks from New York

My son is 5 months, I've been breastfeeding him since birth. Unfortunately, he still gets up every 2-3 hours for a feeding. I want him to sleep thru the night. He ...


Breaking the Habit of My Son Sleeping with Us

C.A. asks from Tampa

My son who is now 14 months old has always been in our room. We have been remodeling our house since he was born so he has never had a place of his own. We had to mov...


Any Suggestions on Bad Bedtime Habit Breaking

C.H. asks from Jacksonville

I have fallen into a bad routine with my youngster. We switched him to a big boy bed at 18 months(jumping out at night). At first the only way he would go to bed is ...



S.K. asks from Denver

I don't sleep. I dont think i have slept a solid night in over 6 years. I just wake up, I dont have a lot on my mind just can't go back to bed. I had ambien but the...



J.M. asks from Minneapolis

My 6 year old son will not go to sleep at night. He has a lot of energy and has a hard time settling down. Now he has an imaginary friend that he plays with and tal...



S.A. asks from Charleston

my son is nine months old and is still getting up 3 times a night to nurse. he also only goes to sleep by nursing. any help?



H.P. asks from Los Angeles

I have a 5 1/2 year old and 22 month old. I need to have my 22 month old out of my bed and into hers. We have no schedule with this child. She sleeps when she want...



K.J. asks from San Diego

i have a 7 and a half month old baby who has begun to wake up during the night, when she used to sleep thru 8 or 9 hours. here is the situation, what we are consdieri...



J.R. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter will be one next month and is still not sleeping through the night. She gets up twice a night for breast feeding. I have been chastized on this sight for ...



N.C. asks from St. Joseph

My 13 month old still wakes up during the night. I breast fed her for a little more than 12 months. Now she is still waking up screaming and I want to get her to be a...

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