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Results 81-90 from 234 articles

I Need Advice

R.S. asks from San Antonio

Hello, this is the first time I write for help because this is a family problem I don't know how to resolve. My sister-in-law moved to SA a couple of years ago. Sin...


Need Some Ideas on Gift Basket

M.M. asks from Pittsburgh

My cousin has a bridal shower this weekend and I'm known for putting together gorgeous baskets of "odds & ends". My aunt offered a bunch of Waterford Ornaments to mak...


How Do You Busy SAH Moms Keep Your House Clean & Organized with Children?

N.S. asks from Columbus

I have three busy children-8 1/2 daughter and 2 & 6 year old energetic boys. Between playdates, school, after-school activities, Moms group I find it difficult to mai...


Dress Length.. Opinions?

J.F. asks from Fayetteville

I have never been a girly girl so having a girl who loves wearing flowy, frilly dresses is way out of my realm of knowledge. lol So my question is, what length is r...


Burned Out

K.G. asks from Las Vegas

Hi ladies Is anybody else really burned out??? I love my kids and all, but I feel like my life is a never ending cycle of cleaning, feeding, changing, washing, pick...


Allowance & Chores - When to Start & How Much?

A.S. asks from Philadelphia

I just saw a recent Mamapedia Voices article and this jogged my memory of a question I've been meaning to ask. My older child (4 1/2 yo son, 5 end of March) will go ...


What Do You Store Toys In?

L.K. asks from Austin

I have 3 daughters. One is a baby. My family room looks like Toys R Us threw up all over it. What do you store your baby toys in? My 5 year old has one of those cube ...


Beginner Chores for a 3-Year Old - Suggestions?

Y.C. asks from Washington DC

Hi Moms - I was just thinking last night that my 3-year old daughter is ready for some small, structured chores, so that she can start learning the rewards of wor...


What's Your Method with Clothes You've Worn, That Don't Need Washing Yet?

K.W. asks from Portland

This is going to sound SO basic, but I'm wondering what others do with clothes that have been worn, but aren't dirty enough to wash yet. In my little family, when ...


Mean 11 Month Old! Help!

C.S. asks from Austin

Hey moms, so for the first time I oficially need support. About a month ago I started noticing my boo being a little grump, and figured she was teething and having a ...

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