furnace air filter

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Results 41-50 from 119 articles

Daughter Congestion

C.A. asks from Chicago

my 8 yr old daughter has had a stuffy nose for what seems to be more days than not. when she was younger the doc thought it might be seasonal allergies and prescribe...


Killer Dust Bunnies!

R.D. asks from Richmond

WHAT is with all the dust in my house!? We are currently renting an older house, probably build around 1940-ish, and we've been here for about a year. No matter what,...


Allergies from House. Help!

A.S. asks from Atlanta

I just moved into our new house 2 weeks ago. Before we moved in we got the carpets cleaned. It is shag carpeting almost spanning the entire inside of the house. When ...


Rotting Meat Smell in Basement

M.L. asks from Minneapolis

Our meat freezer was accidentally unplugged and all of the meat defrosted and went bad. My husband cleaned the freezer several times and the smell is gone. BUT the ...


Just Learned Need New A/c-heater... HELP!

K.G. asks from Dallas

I need your opinions on which brand to buy.. My husband and I are just barely starting research and obviously we want something energy-efficient and reliable. I have ...


Something in House Making Us Sick, Help

B.D. asks from Wichita

Hello ladies, Something in our house is making my baby and I sick. It's only started since the weather got cold. At first I thought we only had colds but my baby h...


Need Humidifier Advice

C.L. asks from Denver

Hello, I have always lived in a very humid climate and so have never needed (or heard of)a humidifier. We moved here in May and I bought a Vicks humidifier as I w...


How Does Oil Heating Work? How Do I Do Comparison Shopping?

D.I. asks from New York

Remember - I just moved from Southern California where gas heating was the norm and it only came on for maybe a few days during December - January! haha. We will b...


Holy Construction Dust!

M.. asks from St. Louis

Hi Ladies, We are currently building a room in our house for our new baby, the room probably wont be completely finished when she gets here so I am worried about my ...


Allergie Releif for a 3 Year Old

T.M. asks from Madison

My son just turned 3 and he is having an awful time with allergies. I have him on Zyrtec daily but he still can never breath thru his nose, he is seeing an allergist...

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Answer Highlights

  • 20 percent off coupon in 2 answers "Make sure you bring in a 20% off coupon if you decide to go with this one."
  • do pay by the gallon in 2 answers "... a couple of oil companies and see what they offer. You do pay by the gallon ..."
  • him off cows milk in 2 answers "If he was my kid, I would take him off cow's milk for 2 weeks and scale back the other ..."
  • your oil burner in 2 answers "If something happens to your oil burner, you really won't have anyone to call that ..."
  • dry winter air in 2 answers "This also could just be sensitivity to very dry winter air."