furnace air filter

Related Questions & Answers

Results 21-30 from 119 articles

Best Humidifier or Vaporizer?

L.S. asks from Wausau

Hi ladies, I am hoping you can share your experiences with me with various humidifiers and vaporizers. 1st of all, which is better - humidifier or vaporizer? 2nd...


My 4 Year Old Has Dust Allergy! Any Advice???

J.D. asks from Denver

My 4 year old was just diagnosed with being allergic to dust, weeds, cats, and dogs. Thankfully, we have no pets and I can deal with the weeds pollinating from June-...


We're Cold

E.D. asks from Norfolk

I'm wondering what other moms are doing to keep their places warm. It's been a little cold outside and my children's hands and feet are freezing even though they hav...


Cleaning Heating Vents

S.K. asks from Denver

How often are you supposed to clean out the heating ducts in your house? We didnt have air conditioning this summer so the vents have been inactive. The house was bui...


Advice for Breathing Issues at Night

S.S. asks from Kansas City

Every night after my 2 yr old goes to sleep his nose gets real stuffy and dry, and because it's dry it's hard for me to clean it out a little for him. I'm sure it's ...


Help! Cleaning up Allergens?

I.G. asks from Seattle

We just moved into a new house and my poor hubby's allergies kicked in like never before. He has allergic asthma and is wheezing, sneezing and has watery eyes all day...


Dust Mite Allergies

T.M. asks from New York

Hello everyone . . . I was wondering if any of you have children that are highly allergic to dust mites? My 8 yr. old daughter started complaining of breathing diffic...



S.R. asks from Grand Rapids

Hi all. I've recently come down with cold-like symptoms - runny nose (sometimes stuffy), sneezing, sore throat, etc. But I'm starting to wonder if maybe I have alle...


What Do You Do to Keep Your House Smelling Fresh and Clean?

A.G. asks from Houston

I clean my house reguarly, but other than simply cleaning what works for you? My house doesn't really stink but I cook alot - seafood, indian food, I use different...


Using a Humidifier

L.M. asks from Detroit

Hi all, Since my girl has started day care we have our share of runny noses. The doctor recommends a humidifier. I have used this thera flu thing that has a fan...

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Answer Highlights

  • cool mist humidifier in his room in 2 answers "Put a cool mist humidifier in his room. You can get relatively cheap ones form Target ..."
  • dust mite covers in 2 answers "But at home, you can use the various dust mite covers and use hypoallergenic home ..."
  • double sided tape in 2 answers "You can attach it with double sided tape."
  • about dust mites in 2 answers "Anyway, here is a link from the American Lung Assoc. about dust mites: ..."
  • hepa filter in 3 answers "Her mother uses a vacuum with HEPA filter but that doesn't stop the symptoms."