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Results 61-70 from 143 articles

Places to Post Jobs

J.E. asks from Dallas

Hey ladies I am looking for some creative ideas for job postings. I am a small company and can't afford to spend $300+ with Monster or CareerBuilder. I posted on Cr...


Work from Home

T.L. asks from Sacramento

I would love to work at home from my computer. Any suggestions on where to look for a job?


So Many Questions - Kids R Kids Or???

N.S. asks from Dallas

Hello Ladies, I went and toured Kids are Kids On Alma and Exchange. The place seemed ok but the teachers seemed un edjucated. I was touring for my child who will...


Looking to Work from Home

E._. asks from Dallas

I am a single parent....I like other mothers would love t stay at home until my children start school. I am wondering if anyone else is working from home and what the...


Work from Home Jobs?

E.R. asks from Detroit

Does anyone know of any legit work at home jobs for Moms? Thanks!


Need Advice on Finding a Job to Do from Home

K.M. asks from York

I'm currently pregnant with a third child and my husband and I agreed that after the baby was born in July that I would become a SAHM. My mother is moving in with us ...


Daughter with Fundraisers - How Do You Find Golfers & Sponsors

B. asks from Oklahoma City

My daughter is in cheer - they do a golf tournament - they sell holes to sponsors and find teams of 4 - How do I go about helping her find people when I am a stay a...


Opening a Childcare Center

T.F. asks from Philadelphia

Have any of you mom's ever opened a childcare center? If so i need ALL the details as to how to go about it and what licenses (if any) i would need? A girlfriend and ...


Not Sure How to Label This??

C.G. asks from Tampa

I am a sahm. I have been since November when I was laid off. I worked in the Real Estate Field. Well my daughter is 7 weeks old as of yesterday. My hubby has been the...


Language Problem?

D.B. asks from Minneapolis

Before describing the problem, a brief history. DS was a late talker, not a word until he was 3. But he began speaking with no problem. No pronunciation problema, v...

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Answer Highlights

  • cornerstone school in allen in 2 answers "My little girl (4-yrs.) attends Cornerstone School in Allen and it is wonderful!"
  • nothing but good things to say in 2 answers "... other daycare centers) with my older son and have nothing but good things to say ..."
  • get rich quick in 2 answers "I work from home and i really enjoy it, but again, its not a get rich quick thing."
  • direct sales in 4 answers "... level marketing plan; with the highest commission paid among all direct sales."
  • go with your gut in 2 answers "... centers are just there to make a buck and not for the kids. So go with your gut ..."