food shopping

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What Is a Reasonable Monthly Food Budget?

L.D. asks from Detroit

I am completely obsessed with lowering my grocery bill and wonder how others are doing it. We had a surprise expenditure in March that shocked me into reality abo...


Shopping - Ladies with (Non-preggo) Bellies!

L.R. asks from Houston

Hi ladies - Looking for suggestions on where you buy clothes if you are waist challenged. I had my last baby 4 years ago - and while the extra pounds are mostly g...


Homemade Baby Food Tools?

L.L. asks from Seattle

So my daughter is just starting rice cereal, and we plan to move on to other baby foods soon. I would like to make my own, however, we don't own a blender, food proc...


Good Chinese Food Place

J.G. asks from Chattanooga

Just wondering if any moms know of a really good chinese food place in Chattanooga. It could be either sit down or buffet. In Kansas there was P. F. Changs, very nice...


Food Stamps, Snap, Etc.

J.G. asks from Chicago

I'm trying to find out how food stamps work. What kids of foods can you buy, and is there a limit? For instance, Can you buy as much produce as you want? How about bo...


Organic Food in the Twin Cities

T.S. asks from Minneapolis

I currently have my 16 month old on a mostly organic diet. I am buying different foods at Costco, Lakewinds, and Target. I live in Plymouth. I was hoping to find s...


Cooking for Multiple Food Allergies

C.M. asks from Chicago

There are 3 of us in our house and we all have DIFFERENT food intolerances. My 10-year old was recently diagnosed with some food intolerrances and she's been worki...


Taking the Right Amount of Food

C.M. asks from Chicago

My 9-year old has eyes that are bigger than her stomach! She likes to PILE her plate with food, of which she doesn't eat it all. We've gone OVER and OVER and OVER the...


Spicy Food to Induce Labor?

M.4. asks from Tampa

I am almost 39 weeks along with my 4th child and have been in false labor for 4+ weeks now. All of my other babies were born between 37-39 weeks and I acredit going i...


What Do You Do When Your Toddler Throws a Tantrum over Food?

M.P. asks from Provo

Ok so my son is a very impatient child and loves food. If I would let him eat all day, he would. I of course don't. My son is 17 months and if I don't get his food on...

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