flowers to send

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Results 71-80 from 2,267 articles

Mother's Day

L.H. asks from San Diego

Does anyone not really care about Mother's Day? I guess I don't feel the need to be honored. I always feel loved and bonded to my daughter and having a day for her ...


Gift for Friend Who Underwent Breast Cancer Surgery

D.D. asks from Dallas

My friend who lives in New Orleans underwent breast cancer surgery last week. I wanted to send her something more personal than just flowers. Any ideas what I could...


What Is Your Flower Count up To?

T.D. asks from Springfield

i have noticed that its been a while since i have deleted any of the flowers i have been sent because someone liked my answer. and was curious to know where others ar...


Would like to Start Garden

J.K. asks from Dallas

I would like to start a garden but have no clue how to start. I would like to plany flowers and maybe small shrubs. Other then digging a hole, what kind of soil sho...


Do Most Find It Annoying??

J.B. asks from Dayton

Hi, Mammas! Ok since I am fairly new I gotta most find the flowers annoying? I actually have loved getting them because it helps to know others actually hav...


Sorry Mamas

J.L. asks from Chicago

Is anyone else experiencing difficulties in sending flowers? I just realized that I've been trying to send multiple flowers to you Mamas and I can't...... The button...


JFF- Vase or No Vase?

S.T. asks from Washington DC

it's funny how things change with time. when i was young i loved getting flowers IN a vase because ... well, i got a vase. and a vase AND flowers just seemed like mor...


Is This Appropriate? More an Is This Socially Appropriate Kind of Thing.

L.C. asks from Dover

There is a girl that is a friend of my family (her brother and my husband were best friends growing up) and she is on my facebook. Last week, sadly, her grandma died...


7Th Anniversary - Disappointed.

J.S. asks from Minneapolis

So, my husband has been traveling a ton for work last month, and is on a 10 day trip already this month... I know he is super busy, and many of the days he's been gon...


Showing Sympathy for a Miscarrage

B.O. asks from St. Louis

My sister & brother in law have been trying for years to conceive with no luck. Finaly the became pregnant (1-2 months). The whole family was told at a recent weddi...

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