feels like something is in my eye

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Results 31-40 from 7,695 articles

Toddler Poked Eye Help

M.G. asks from Houston

My toddler poked his eye near the corner and has a big blood spot on the white ball that is starting to spread near the brown pupil What should I do I am scared


Toddler Eye Contact

L.R. asks from Altoona

Is eye contact in toddlers important? My daughter will may eye contact from a distance, but when I am holding her she won't look at me. She is always looking off to...


Lasik Eye Surgery

M.K. asks from Houston

i am seriously considering having lasik eye surgery to correct my severe short sight. have you ever had this done - what is your vision like now? is it worth it? th...


Husband Feels He Does Everything Wrong

A.T. asks from Portland

I need advice how to better communicate with my husband. Although my husband is a very intelligent man he lacks common sense when it comes to our child. I try to co...


Feels Lonely and That Nobody Understands?

S.T. asks from Kansas City

I have been a stay at home mom for 2 1/2 years and I also run my own in home daycare so I'm with kids 24/7 somedays I just feel so lonely and burnt out that I need to...


Pink Eye Anyone?

G.D. asks from Philadelphia

My 4 year old was running a fever for two days and then yesterday her one eye was red with a little bit of crusty stuff now today both are the same. I called the pedi...


Pink Eye W/no Insurance

C.B. asks from Kansas City

ok moms, no judgements please...i had to drop our insurance a couple months ago b/c the premiums doubled. long story short, we still have no insurance. my son had a g...


Giving Eye Drops to Toddler?

L.L. asks from Denver

Help! I need to give my 2 1/2 year old daughter eye drops for conjunctivitis by myself. I've tried bribery and a physical battle and both were just awful. Any suggest...


How in the World Do You Remove Eye Makeup??

S.S. asks from Los Angeles

What I do: Douse a cottonball with eye makeup remover liquid and rub over closed eyes. Problem #1: I feel like the liquid is going to slide through my closed lids...


Ideas for Eye Patches/glasses for Children!!!

C.E. asks from New York

My nephew is 19 months old and we started noticing that his left eye seems to be turning in a bit. My sister took him to a pediatric ophthalmologist and the doctor fo...

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