feeding solid foods

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Introducing Solid Foods at 3 Months???

D.S. asks from San Francisco

I was wondering if any other mother's here introduced solid foods to their child before the age of 6 months? If you did, what did you start him/her on first? Is it...


Solid Food

J.K. asks from Los Angeles

My baby is almost 6 months and has a terrible diaper rash and the doctor said the only way for it to go away is for her to start eating solid food as I have tried eve...


Helping Transition to "Real" Solid Foods

C.T. asks from San Francisco

My daughter is 8-1/2 months old+. We started rice cereal when she was 4 months old and veggies and fruits at 6 months. She has now tried almost all of the "jarred" b...


Solid Food

B.D. asks from Sacramento

As a first time mom, I find that I am overwhelmed by pretty much everything, and I have come to terms with that. The whole solid food things is no exception. We sta...


Seeking Advice Re: Transitioning a 10-Month-old to Solid Foods

J.H. asks from Los Angeles

My 10-month-old is learning to enjoy solid foods. I would like to start feeding him table food (as opposed to jar food) for dinner. Unfortunately, I am a busy worki...


Should You Begin Introducing Solid Foods

E.G. asks from Jackson

I have a 5month old and she is hungry. I just started her on 2nds. She seems ok but my mom thinks should let her try some cream potatos and maybe fruit in those thing...


Not Wanting Solid Foods.

A.G. asks from Sacramento

Madelyn has been eating foods since she was about 5 months old. She knows what she likes and what she doesn't. We have introduced her to a variety of baby food (sta...


How Do I Start Feeding Table Foods?

M.P. asks from Houston

So, I have an almost 10 month old who eats very well and still wants to nurse ALL the time. I am trying to introduce table foods since he wants to start feeding hims...


Seeking Advice on How to Teach My Child to Eat Solid Foods

L.H. asks from San Diego

Hi there My little girl is 9 months and was born 6 1/2 premature. She didn't start eating baby food till 6 months and it took her about a month to catch on. I am...



S.M. asks from Houston

I have a 3 1/2 Month old girl. When is it the righ time to start feeding your child more solid foods other than cereal and juice? Right now she eats a 6oz. bottle of ...

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