fat and calories

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Results 41-50 from 3,873 articles

Can't Get Rid of Belly Fat!

S.L. asks from Madison

Hi ladies, I am frustrated with my weight loss efforts and need some advice. My son is turning 1 at the end of this month and I am still way too heavy for my height....


Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead

M.Q. asks from Los Angeles

Hello friends, I recently saw the movie Fat sick and Nearly Dead and I'm soooo interested in trying a juice fast like him. The movie is about a guy who gives himself ...


Help with Low Fat Diet

E.M. asks from Des Moines

Hello all I am searching for help for my husband and myself. He had a test done through work that showed his triglyceride leaves are very high above 300 and should b...


Low Fat Diet and Milk Supply

L.V. asks from Dallas

Hi, Mamas! I am due with kiddo number 2 in about three weeks. Well, with this one, I developed gall bladder disease during pregnancy, but the surgeon was not exci...


Full Fat, Lactose Free, Organic Milk

M.F. asks from Los Angeles

I live in LA (Westside) and have been on the hunt for weeks for FULL FAT Lactose Free organic milk for my son. I think Horizon makes one, but I can't find it. I've tr...


Calories per Day?

P.G. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms, I hit my 40's and my weight is not cooperating. GRR! So I'm watching what I eat and using myfitnesspal.com app to do it. It's a calorie/exercise tracker ...


18 Months Needs More Calories!

S.A. asks from Sioux Falls

My husband just took our 18 month old daughter to her 18 month Well Baby check up. She is on the small side. 25th percentile for height and weight. She has stayed pre...


High, Good Fat Foods for Lactose Intolerant?

M.L. asks from Tampa

I have a 16 month old daughter who had a milk protein and soy intolerance for her first year. We thought she was okay going to whole milk until a lingering cough sta...


Fat Loss 4 Idiots - Have Any of You Done This Program?

L.K. asks from Detroit

Hello ladies, I saw this Sponsor Ad on my Mamasource Daily Digest (10 Rules for a Flat Stomach - Cut Off 9 lbs of Stomach Fat Every 11 Days by Keeping These 10 Rul...


How Much Fat Does a 1 Yr Old Need?

C.S. asks from Jacksonville

Help! I have a degree in health education and cannot find one source or nutritionist who can give me the answer I need. Recently, we figured out that my 14 month ol...

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Answer Highlights

  • omega 3 fatty acids in 4 answers "... lowers triglycerides and raises HDL (good cholesterol) . Omega-3 fatty acids ..."
  • go into starvation mode in 2 answers "... always gone by is reduce gradually so your body does not go into starvation mode ..."
  • over the counter fish oil in 2 answers "As she said, over-the-counter fish oil products may not have been filtered for heavy ..."
  • carnation instant breakfast in 3 answers "suggested adding Carnation Instant Breakfast mix into my daughter's milk."
  • high calorie snack in 2 answers "We'd also give a high calorie snack, of at least 100 calories, right before bed: like ..."