Fairy Tales

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Results 101-110 from 377 articles

Chapter Books for a 4 Year Old

K.U. asks from Detroit

My daughter is 4 and while she is not reading independently yet, she loves being read to. Reading to her is part of our nightly bedtime routine (and naps too, when t...


How to Handle Reality Vs. Pretend

N.Z. asks from Los Angeles

My 4.5 year old daughter has been asking a lot about whether something is real or pretend. For instance, she asks if Superman, Spider-Man, etc. are "actual" to use h...


Time to Get Rid of the Pacifier!

S.P. asks from Los Angeles

Hi moms, So I am ready to wean my daughter from the pacifier. She is almost 9 months old, and has become super super dependent on it. I mean like waking up in th...


Book Series??

B.T. asks from San Antonio

Hello Moms!! I have a four yr old son that I am desperately trying to keep him interested in books. I have always hoped he would love reading as much as I do. However...


Past Life Session

S.R. asks from Houston

my doctor has recommended me to do a PAST LIFE SESSION. I was wanting to know more about it and if anyone has done it before and what was the out come of it. . woul...


Diary of a Wimpy Kid

N.Z. asks from Los Angeles

Anyone know what this series is about? I have a 6 year old in kindergarten (did TK last year because she has a late birthday) who reads. As a way to keep her attentio...


Good Book Suggestions for a 4 1/2 Year Old?

M.W. asks from Chicago

My child is 4 1/2 years old, is learning how to read, and loves to be read to. We've got the usual books (Dr. Seuss, Little Golden Books, Madeline, Curious George, M...


My Step Blank ( Fill It in with Whichever Title Fits) Hates Me

D.S. asks from Houston

why do step kids always feel like the step parents hate them it goes both ways. we dont hate them we love them are we showing it wrong?? or is this a normal "phase" ...


Head Lice Prevention

J.P. asks from Raleigh

I know that this topic has been covered before, but I was wondering if anyone has actually found a product that helps prevent your kids from getting head lice. Other...


Books !!!

M.P. asks from Sarasota

My 6yr old girl is into Chapter books. SHe always borrows from the library.. yesterday we got her the Diaryof a Wimpy kid - in order to make our own collection ANy s...

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