Fairy Tales

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Results 91-100 from 377 articles

Bedtime Story Suggestions

L.A. asks from Dallas

Hi. We've always read chapter books to my baby (now babies) at bedtime. We took nearly 6 months to get through Anne of Green Gables and loved every minute of it! ...


Lice!!!! Any Advice??

M.G. asks from Athens

I just found out yesterday that my kids have lice, and I may have them too :( I have never dealt with this and I am literally freaking out. I have 2 boys and a 3 ye...


Gift for 4 & 5 Year Old Girls?

S.B. asks from Burlington

My best friend is coming for a visit with her husband and kids from Australia. I only get to see her children every couple of years or so I like to buy them special ...


Second Lice Treatment- 4 Hour Oil

H.H. asks from Los Angeles

So for those who have been through this within the last 5 years, and used a professional service that uses natural ingredients, what did you find on your second trea...


Early Reading

J.V. asks from Chicago

My daughter is showing interest in learning to read. She isn't in school yet, and I am probably going to home school her. I was looking for reviews on reading system...


Son Who Loves Pink

K.O. asks from Portland

My 3, almost 4, year old son has recently declared that pink is his favorite color. He also told me yesterday that he wanted to return the cars book he just got for ...


19 Month Old Stopped Napping

J. asks from Tampa

My 19 month old has stooped napping. We have tried putting her to bed later and waking her earlier and that didn't work, It just made her miserable in the day. she us...


Author Recommendation for 1St Grade

B.S. asks from Boston

What books do your children love to read? My boys, preschool/grade 1 love the Mo Willems series, I love them too. They will just sit and read them with out me even...


Help, We Have Lice!

B.C. asks from Austin

My daughter is in elementary school and at the beginnning of the year she came home with lice! I never had lice as a child so I did not know what to do. I looked up t...

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Answer Highlights

  • llama llama red pajama in 2 answers "berenstein bears llama llama red pajama thomas the tank engine leapfrog tag"
  • james and the giant peach in 3 answers "... Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Fantastic Mr. Fox, James and the Giant Peach ..."
  • charlie and the chocolate factory in 2 answers "ALL of the Roald Dahl books are wonderful, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Fantastic ..."
  • original peter pan in 2 answers "Read the original Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass, Arabian ..."
  • roald dahl in 2 answers "ALL of the Roald Dahl books are wonderful, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Fantastic ..."