eye correction

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Results 71-80 from 407 articles

Axis in Eyeglasses

J.J. asks from Madison

I got a prescription for glasses for my daughter and have heard great things about some of the online places you can order glasses. When I got ready to order them, I...


Lasik Reccomendations

L.C. asks from Denver

I was just wondering if anyone has had experience with Lasik. I know it will probably be a year or so before I can save enough money to get it done, but I would reall...


Standards for 2Yo Boys Vs. 2Yo Girls

M.S. asks from Pittsburgh

I have a 2+yo boy who is usually "Mr. Happy" and everyone's best friend. He shares well, mediates fights and calms down screamers. He's always been active, but rece...


Question About How Far Apart Your Kids Eyes Are?

K.I. asks from Spokane

Hello ladies... I have a 3 month old beautiful baby girl and something about her face is just a bit off. We have all noticed something but couldnt put our finger on...


7 Yr Old Hates Wearing Glasses

M.C. asks from Honolulu

My 7 yr old got glasses this fall, for reading only. Now her eye dr. says that she should wear them all the time, because her eyes have too much of an adjustment bet...


First Time Pregnancy and Headaches!!

T.C. asks from Dallas

I'm not sure if this gets asked 1 million times or not. I've read through the site a bit about headaches and pregnancy. I guess every person is different. This is my ...


How Do I Stop My Almost 3 Year Old from Running off at MDO?

D.M. asks from Dallas

I have a very spirited yet sweet and loving 2, almost 3 year old. He was very slow to walk, as he is an only child (soon to change) and was carried everywhere. Ever...


Spanking.... Not Sure What to Do????

C.C. asks from Chicago

My son is 15 months old, and seemingly, entering his terrible twos. He asserts his independence and explores his world at every turn. This often jeopardizes his saf...


Crabby Two Year Old Blues

K.C. asks from Columbia

Someone stole my sweet baby and replaced her with a crabby two year old. Shame on me for thinking we may be immune to the terrible twos and now here we are in all our...


Is the Word Alcoholic Overly Used in Today's World? Ol Timers Please Way In!

E.W. asks from Fresno

I grew up on Bette Davis films where the women always offered hubby a drink minutes after he got in the door. My ex boyfriend was 45 and French he drank everyday with...

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