employment law

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Results 81-90 from 687 articles

Home Searching

M.C. asks from Dallas

I am desperately looking for a 4 bedroom Home for Rent to Own or to Buy. I am having very bad financial issues right now. But there is SSI form my Father and I am em...


Considering International Move with Young Children

R.S. asks from Denver

So, my husband is looking at a job in Bermuda. The idea of moving there is very exciting to both of us. We would only consider it if it makes sense financially as i...


Stay at Home Moms

M.E. asks from Orlando

I have a question for those of you that are able to stay home with your children. Forgive me, if it turns out to be too personal of a question, but I am just really...


Seeking Your Advice on Feeding the Nanny.

T.K. asks from Detroit

I have a full-time nanny that I told at the start of her employment that she can eat whatever she wants to eat when she's here. I think I have made a mistake by tell...


Boring Question Alert: No Spanking, Breastfeeding, or Salacious Details

L.D. asks from Dallas

I want a new job. I applied at two different organizations for similiar positions. I have been seeking employment at organization A for the past year, regularly em...


What Do You Do Do When Your Child Is Sick?

L.S. asks from Salt Lake City

My daughter is 3 and goes to a great daycare near my work. Of course they wont take her when she is ill. So far I have missed three days of work to care for my daugh...


Question About Having Baby with Poor Health Insurance

E.R. asks from St. Louis

My husband and I are wanting to have another baby. Our daughter turned 2 this summer, and we were talking about trying over the holidays. Here is the situation: ...


Toddler Traveling Abroad Without Mother

E.M. asks from New York

My in-laws live abroad and they don't want to come to the US to visit our daugther. The have the means but don't like to come to the US and my mother-in-law doesn't ...


Need Help 'Wording' a Resume

B.B. asks from Dallas

I am a wife and mother. At 54 years old,I find myself having to find a new job. I was let go from my job of 12 years because they 'eliminated' my position, 'laid-off'...


Child Custody

S.M. asks from Philadelphia

My ex refuses to pay child support. We don't have a court ruling yet but we will soon. anyway, he has no expenses (live rent free), he pays for his cell phone, a fa...

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