Early Childhood

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Assessments and Standardized Tests in K and She Started K Too Early?

J.M. asks from Philadelphia

I am so nervous for my daughter today, she has a standardized test and assessments today in K. She J. turned 5 in September and for anyone who can financially afford...


Looking for Early Entry into kindergarten...Academically Very Good Student

H.M. asks from Portland

My daughter is 2 months short for entry in kindergarten (Beaverton, OR) and not eligible to the early entry test too... I did a lot of research already to not waste a...


Early Warning Signs of Autism

T.K. asks from Dallas

Of course I am going to Google, but wanted to get 1st hand personal experiences from yall. My SIL mentioned that my nephew may have Autism. I was at a loss as to ho...


Toddler Waking up Too Early

S.B. asks from Boston

My three-year-old wakes up at nearly every morning at 5:30 am (today at 4:30) ready to start the day. I either have to bring her into our bed in an attempt at another...


New to Cali and Looking to Babysit. I Have a Degree in Early Childhood Education

M.J. asks from San Diego

I am a 22 year old mom to be. I have been babysitting for over 10 years. I taught preschool martial arts for 8 years and taught preschool in an upscale preschool for ...


Kindergarden Early Admission

K.D. asks from Portland

My daughter is turning 5 on september 3 and i know shes ready for kindergarden. Is there anything i can do or any school that can test her or something.


Starting School Early

D.P. asks from Detroit

My daughter turned 4 in May. She is very advanced for her age and I would like to start her in school. I contacted our public school and they will not let her start...


I Know It's Too Early to Diagnose (Maybe?)

C.B. asks from Kansas City

hi ladies. first off let me say i am not overly stressed about this. my son is an only and we don't plan on having any more - my plan is to focus all my attention on ...


CIO In Early Morning Hours

K.A. asks from Los Angeles

Hello! I have a 10 month old who I am letting cry in the middle of the night because I'm not giving him a bottle any more per the doctor's recommendation. He also w...


First Steps Early Intervention

S.T. asks from St. Louis

My 21 month old son just qualified for speech therapy services through First Steps. I would like to hear from any moms whose children have used or are currently enrol...

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