dog diapers

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Results 41-50 from 1,293 articles

Family Dog Dies and 13 Month Old Misses Her Terribly...

P.B. asks from Anchorage

We have had our dog for literally 13 years and just last week she was taken by cancer. I knew that me and my husband would have a hard time with it as she had been a...


Help! Dog Peed on Marble Slab in Front of Fireplace!

M.Z. asks from Los Angeles

Hi! My dog is very old and has lost control of her bowels. I just saw a puddle of urine on the marble slab in front of our fireplace. I don't think it's been there v...


NEED ADVICE! Dog Lifting His Leg and Urinating on Things in the House!!

S.R. asks from St. Louis

YUK!!!!!!! Our 100 pound Akita has recently started lifting his leg and urinating on things....including the carpet, an armchair, 2 different couches and even on a st...


Help!!! 115 Lb Dog Wet on Brand New Carpet!

S.L. asks from San Francisco

Hi everyone, I am seeking input on what to do here. My wonderful, beautiful dog unfortunately suffers from seizures. Usually we catch her in time and can help her ...


How to Get the "Stink" Out of Cloth Diapers?

R.B. asks from Des Moines

I've noticed there are quite a few responses to the cloth diapering questions so thought I'd pose one of my own. We use Fuzzi Bunz, and I love them, they work great, ...


Poll to See How Many Dads Change Diapers And/or Help Dealing with a Sick Child

C.A. asks from Appleton

My husband of 6 1/2 yrs is amazing. He cooks for me every night, and weekend mornings, helps to clean the house, and makes enough money that allows me to stay home ...


*Mom* to a Senior Dog

F.W. asks from Danville

Our 'labradoodle' (that we have had since WAY before it became a 'thing') is old. He is 12. We recently (march) got a younger lab mix (I believe called a 'chowb...


Dog Urine Smell?? How to Rid?

A.H. asks from Dallas

So we bought a house a few months ago, and our labradoodle decided he needs to mark his territory inside our house in the dinning room/living room...............Hes p...


Work Full Time, 2 Yr Old, 9 Wks Preg. W/#2, and Adopting a DOG? Am I Insane?

K.A. asks from Washington DC

I think I've lost all my remaining marbles! I work full time as a high school teacher, have a 2 year old at home, and am 9 weeks pregnant with #2 (due 6/3/10). My hu...


Ideas on Introducing Dog to New Baby

P.H. asks from Boston

We have a very friendly medium iszed mutt who we love dearly. We are having our first child in June and want to make sure to make this transition as easy as possible ...

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Answer Highlights

  • his show on the national geographic channel in 2 answers "... buy DVD's of his show or just watch his show on the National Geographic Channel ..."
  • medium sized mutt in 2 answers "I have a ten month old daughter and a two year old dog (a medium sized mutt as well ..."
  • tea tree oil in 6 answers "I prewashed/soaked with cold water and baking soda and a little tea tree oil."
  • cup of baking soda in 3 answers "Try adding a half cup of baking soda to the main wash."
  • urinary tract infection in 2 answers "I would suggest a visit to the could be a urinary tract infection or several ..."